The Legendary Flight Event Begins on January 20th

Soaring themselves into the Dynamax scene, Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres make their Dynamax debut. While it remains to be scene how easy these battles are going to be, these legendary Dynamax Battles could make having to wait multiple years to see certain legendaries in rotation a thing of the past.
Legendary Flight
Start | End |
Monday January 20th, at 6pm local time | Sunday February 9th, at 7pm local time |
Featured Pokemon
Note that these Pokemon will only be available in Max Battles after their respective debut on Max Mondays.
Will make its debut on Max Monday January 20th and will be available in Max Battles from January 20th to January 27th.
Will make its debut on Max Monday January 27th and will be available in Max Battles from January 27th to February 3rd.
Will make its debut on Max Monday February 3rd and will be available in Max Battles from February 3rd to February 9th.
Meta Relevance
Among the three Legendary Birds, Zapdos is arguably the best for this role. Its strongest competition is Gigantamax Toxtricity, which has a stronger Max Move in
G-Max Stun Shock, but Zapdos has a higher Attack stat, and a potentially useful sub-typing that can also allow it to tank a bit in select raids.
Articuno is also a solid option, as right now we only have Gigantamax Lapras for Ice Type performance. Both are bulky options that can tank and heal, but we have a similar case to Zapdos here as Dynamax Articuno has a superior Attack stat, but Gigantamax Lapras closes the gap with
G-Max Resonance. But, arguably, Lapras has a better defensive typing than Articuno in general, so there's that to consider.
Moltres is fine too, but we already have Gigantamax Charizard.......