Tapu Koko

PvE Analysis
Gen 7 is finally upon us and Tapu Koko leads the way! Unfortunately its stats are somewhat lackluster compared to existing Electric-type attackers, making this Pokemon more suitable as a Dex filler.
The addition of Nature's Madness on its movepool makes Tapu Koko a solid choice as a Fairy attacker even though it lacks a Fairy-type Fast Attack. It has less competition in this role compared to being an Electric attacker. However, as the move is an Elite move, it may not be readily available without using an Elite Charged TM.
In the main series, Tapu Koko is capable of learning Fairy Wind. If it gets it one day in Pokemon GO, Tapu Koko can become significantly stronger as a Fairy attacker.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Best |
- Volt Switch performs well on offense with STAB.
- Quick Attack can't be Super Effective vs anything, but sometimes synergizes better with Nature's Madness because it is not resisted by Dragon-type Pokemon
- Nature's Madness* turns Tapu Koko into a respectable Fairy attacker despite lacking a Fairy-type Fast Attack.
- Thunderbolt outperforms Thunder in terms of overall performance and consistency.
- Dazzling Gleam lacks synergy with Tapu Koko's Fast Moves and is severely outclassed by Nature's Madness
- Brave Bird is better suited for Flying-types.
PvP Analysis
Volt Switch has superior stats in both damage output and energy generation compared to Quick Attack, not to mention STAB.
Nature's Madness is Tapu Koko's cheapest Charged Attack and is a reliable source of Fairy STAB; it also deals decent damage and comes with a guaranteed Defense debuff on the opponent. Thunderbolt is moderately expensive, but it is Tapu Koko's cheapest Electric STAB. Thunder is slightly stronger for slightly more energy, but adding further energy costs is undesirable. Brave Bird can be used as a surprise move choice, dealing heavy damage to Grass- and Ground-type Pokemon, but it sacrifices one of Tapu Koko's good STAB options and it comes with a nasty self-debuff. Dazzling Gleam is largely outclassed by Nature's Madness
Great League | |
Tapu Koko's CP is too high for Great League, unless obtained from Research at level 15. | |
Ultra League | |
Tapu Koko is fragile, but it finds use in the Ultra League as a niche corebreaker thanks to its unique typing. Specifically, it is great at simultaneously punishing Dragon-, and Water-type Pokemon, which very few Pokemon can boast. Additionally, its Electric typing grants it a superior matchup to Registeel, Talonflame, and Charizard compared to other Fairy-type options. The addition of Nature's Madness is what allows Tapu Koko to really make use of its unique typing, providing it with not only a much more reliable Fairy STAB, but also a cheaper move option than its other moves. However, Tapu Koko's frailty cannot be understated - it is even more fragile than Greninja. It relies heavily on shields and its own resistances to succeed. Additionally, it has an overall negative matchup against Giratina-A despite its Fairy typing and Nature's Madness's potency. | |
Master League | |
Tapu Koko's stats don't translate particularly well into Pokemon GO, and thus falls below what people would expect from a Legendary Pokemon. However, its typing is unique and strong, and its moveset isn't bad. Tapu Koko can put in a surprising amount of work against the likes of Kyogre, Lugia, Zacian, and even Dialga, making it a niche corebreaker of sorts. With that said, it is an extremely shield-dependent Pokemon, and it does fall apart to common Ground-type Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Groudon. |