
PvE Analysis
The legendary that lives in the shadow of Vaporeon, who lives in the shadow of Milotic, who in turn lives in the shadow of Gyarados, who lives in the whale-sized shadow of Kyogre… That says it all about the unfortunate fate of Suicune. Niantic introduced Waterfall and Surf with Gen 3’s release, while giving Suicune Snarl, and removing its 1/15 chance at a STAB fast move. What’s up with that? At least they gave it Ice Beam later, but that still leaves it with virtually nothing.
Max Battles
Suicune is a sturdy tank, possessing some of the best overall bulk in the game. This should make it an appealing option, but Suicune sadly lacks a 0.5 second Fast Attack to quickly charge up the Max Meter with. As such, Suicune is not an ideal Pokemon to keep on the field for an extended amount of time. However, Suicune's great bulk makes it an amazing Pokemon to quickly switch into an incoming attack, and then immediately switching back out to a Pokemon more suitable at charging up the Max Meter.
In the future, it may be possible for Suicune to learn Bite from a move update, providing it with the critical ability to quickly charge up the Max Meter.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Best |
Snarl is Suicune's superior fast move thanks to its improved energy gains.
Extrasensory is right behind it, though it offers different type coverage.
Hidden Power is generally an inferior move. Water is best, while Ground and Rock are next best.
Hydro Pump is optimal for its raw power, while Bubble Beam has more flexibility with 3 bars.
Water Pulse has weak DPS and is laggy to boot.
Scald is the same story.
Ice Beam may have given Suicune a tiny breath of life on defense, but since Suicune can't be posted in gyms, it's entirely outclassed. Even if paired with Hidden Power Ice, it's still painfully bad.
PvP Analysis
Snarl is generally more preferable due to its significantly better energy gains, though Ice Fang can provide useful coverage against common typings.
Scald offers good damage at a moderate cost, and its high chance of debuffing Attack synergizes well with Suicune's high bulk. Ice Beam covers Grass- and Dragon-type Pokemon. Bubble Beam is Suicune's cheapest Charged Attack and offers a guaranteed Attack debuff, but its damage output is beyond pitiful and is just a much worse move than Scald. Hydro Pump is too expensive and Water Pulse is just horrid.
Great League | / 5 |
Suicune is a relatively tanky Pokemon, and with a mono-Water typing it had difficulty standing out among the very populated Water-type picks. The December 2023 update gave it a much needed reliable Water-type Charged Attack in Scald, though Suicune can still struggle to stand out. Nevertheless, its good bulk, debuff potential, and coverage in Ice Beam at least makes it a viable choice, especially in limited cups. | |
Ultra League | / 5 |
Suicune's good bulk and excellent movesets are fantastic in dealing with the Giratina-centric meta that overshadows the Ultra League. Access to Ice-type coverage is valuable for dealing with common Dragon-types, while Snarl's fast energy and the debuff utility from Scald can make significant impacts if applied on important targets. Even for matchups that Suicune does lose, leaving the opponent debuffed could enable follow-up farming plays to turn the tide of the fight. | |
Master League | / 5 |
Suicune's stats aren't quite up to par. |