Shadow Politoed

PvE Analysis
Shadow Politoed really has no true utility, especially for the huge cost to raise it.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Best |
Bubble is superior to Mud Shot for Politoed’s role as a Fire, Rock, and Ground-type slayer.
Weather Ball Water is best charge move due to its consistency as 3-bar move.
Surf and Hydro Pump are step down, but still decent if TMs are lacking.
Blizzard is a fine move, but it has no synergy with Politoed’s fast moves.
- Earthquake can pair with Mud Shot for a budget Ground-type attacker role, but maybe use other Pokemon instead?
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Best |
Bubble is the better defensive fast move for its stronger DPS.
Weather Ball Water is better than Surf due to its easier accessibility as a 3-bar move.
Blizzard has coverage against Grass-type attackers and Dragonite, common attackers into Politoed.
Hydro Pump is the least reactable of Politoed’s charge moves, but takes a long time to access.
- Earthquake can surprise Electric-type attackers, until they dodge it.
PvP Analysis
Mud Shot is generally more preferable as it allows Politoed to use its powerful charge moves sooner before fainting. Bubble can also be viable if more Water-type damage is needed since it also gets STAB, but having slower access to its charge moves may leave Politoed more vulnerable without coverage options.
Weather Ball (Water) costs slightly less energy than Surf but is slightly less efficient in terms of Damage Per Energy (DPE). Earthquake and Blizzard both provide valuable coverage, with the former covering against Politoed's weakness to Electric, and the latter covering Politoed's weakness to Grass. Either move can work depending on coverage needed. Ice Beam is a cheaper alternative to Blizzard, sacrificing burst damage for increased reliability.
Great League | |
Politoed is an interesting Pokemon for Great League, with well-rounded stats that feature good bulk, and charge moves that can cover either of its weaknesses to Electric or Grass. Unfortunately for Politoed, Blizzard isn't a terrific option against Grass-types due to its high energy cost, and Politoed gets KO'd quite fast against Razor Leaf users. Against the rest of the meta, Politoed is a decent pick overall with its ability to spam Weather Ball consistently, but may struggle in neutral fights. | |
Ultra League | |
Politoed does well in Ultra League partly due to the numerous Steel-type competitors that are quite common, though it requires Earthquake to take down Registeel. Without it, Blizzard causes Politoed to receive more losses against fellow Water-types, which reduces its overall rating, but does pick up a win against Giratina Origin Forme. Overall a good pick for Ultra League thanks to its consistent Weather Ball damage output, though to achieve optimal performance XL candy is needed. | |
Master League | |
Politoed doesn't have sufficient stats to compete in Master League, consider a Kyogre instead. |