Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Pinsir is Pokemon with potential. Bug-type moves have effectiveness against Grass, Psychic, and Dark-types. Pinsir can see use in Alakazam and Mewtwo raids, although it is not close to being optimal. Pinsir’s Fighting-type movesets can contest Tyranitar, Snorlax, and Blissey, but Machamp and many other Fighting-types do this job much better.

Defensively, Pinsir has bad stats and a poor typing. Fire, Flying, and Rock-type attackers are common, which prevent Pinsir from being threatening. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Bug Bite + X-ScissorBest
  • Bug Bite is superior to Fury Cutter and should be paired with X-Scissor for Bug-type offense.

  • Rock Smash can pair with Superpower, or less preferably, Close Combat if no Fighting-type Pokemon are available. 

  • Submission* is inferior. 

  • Vice Grip is not a good move. Use your TM here.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Rock Smash + X-Scissor or Superpower.Best
  • On defense, Rock Smash does over double the DPS of Pinsir’s other fast moves.

  • X-Scissor is fast and frequent, but ineffective against Pinsir’s counters.

  • Vice Grip is overall just a slightly worse version of X-Scissor.

  • Superpower has better coverage than X-Scissor but is more reactable.

  • Submission* is a downgrade due to its inferior base power. 

  • A 1-bar charge move like Close Combat is poor due to Pinsir’s low bulk.

PvP Analysis

Fury Cutter + X-Scissor and Close Combat or Superpower

With somewhat below-average Damage per Turn and high Energy per Turn, Fury Cutter is a great move for launching Charged moves quickly and furiously. Close Combat  and Superpower are both powerful Fighting-type moves that provide wide coverage, don't cost a lot of energy, and apply self-debuffs. However, they're risky to use and could leave Pinsir vulnerable to be farmed. 

Great League2 / 5

Pinsir is a fast mono-Bug type Pokemon, but not a particularly bulky one. Bug-types aren't very valuable in the meta, though Pinsir stands out with its access to two very powerful Fighting-type charge moves which hit hard and provide wide relevant coverage. While other Pokemon can do Pinsir's role a lot better, Pinsir's unique moveset may give it a niche in specific formats. 

Ultra League2 / 5

Pinsir has a few very good matchups in the tier and can be useful in some ways, though Scizor does basically the same job even better.

Master League0 / 5

The lack of many good Bug types with high a CP allows Pinsir to slip into the Master League to some degree. However, it doe

Purification Cost
5 Candy + 5,000 Stardust
Second Charge Move Cost
75,000 Stardust + 75 Candy
Flee Rate
9 %
Buddy Distance
5 KM
Catch Rate
30 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %