Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

The final evolution of what was once one of the most common Pokemon in the game. And it's still pretty common despite having so many generations behind us! Pidgeot can serve new players well with some cheap, easily obtainable flying-type damage, but it's really not worth much investment at all at this point. However, raising one early-on isn't the worst idea, as Mega Pidgeot isn't a bad Flying Type Mega Evolution, so it will have some utility later. However, Mega Pidgeot still falls way behind some competition, so it's still not the best investment even in this light.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Gust* + Brave BirdBest
  • Gust* and Brave Bird provide maximum damage
  • Wing Attack* is second best, Air Slash is... non-elite.
  • Steel Wing is worthless on Pidgeot
  • Hurricane is the second best charged move, followed by Aerial Ace, then Air Cutter.
  • Feather Dance is worthless for PvE. 

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Gust* or Steel Wing + Aerial AceBest
  • Gust* provides huge power on defense, but it's the same type as all of Pidgeot's charged moves. Steel Wing is also great, especially since it provides coverage against Rock and Ice Types.
  • Air Slash is an okay secondary pick if you don't have a Pidgeot with Gust, but it is definitely weaker.
  • Wing Attack* has no defensive viability for Pidgeot
  • Aerial Ace is the top choice, as it comes out frequently
  • Air Cutter is only slightly stronger than Aerial Ace, but the energy requirement is too high to make the trade-off worth it.
  • Brave Bird is the best one-bar move, but Pidgeot may never use it.
  • Hurricane is a weaker Brave Bird.
  • Feather Dance is worthless for PvE. 

PvP Analysis

Gust* or Wing Attack* + Brave Bird and Feather Dance

Gust is the most ideal for Pidgeot, sporting the strongest damage output while still returning respectable energy gains. Wing Attack is generally inferior, but offers slightly superior energy generation, resulting in quicker access to charge moves. Air Slash is weaker to Gust, and should only be chosen if you lack Elite TMs.  

Brave Bird is the most efficient and powerful charge move available, though it's also risky with its significant self-debuff. Hurricane costs the most energy and is not worth the cost, while Air Cutter is just a horrible move overall. Feather Dance has pathetic damage output, its debuff utility makes it generally more worthwhile compared to Aerial Ace, which is just a middling move in general

Great League 3 / 5

Pidgeot has two major standout qualities - it has a double resistance to Ghost, and it deals consistent Flying-type damage. This allows Pidgeot to be a thorn against teams that pair their Fighting-type Pokemon with Pokemon that deal Ghost-type damage. The Ghost + Fighting combination is nigh unresisted, but Pidgeot possesses the tools to disrupt it.

With that said, Pidgeot - shadow or not, possesses overall average stats and no coverage, often leaving it easily countered by Rock-, Steel-, and Electric-type Pokemon. As such, Pidgeot is largely seen as more of an anti-meta pick than a meta staple.

Ultra League3.5 / 5

A fully maxed out Pidgeot can reach close to the Ultra League CP cap, making it a viable option here. Its niche remains the same in Great League - disrupting Ghosts and Fighters. Like in Great League, its lack of coverage also makes it easy prey for anything that resists it.

Master League0 / 5

Ever hear of killing two birds with one stone? Well, you can faint 3 Pidgeot in the Master League using 1 of just about anything viable in the tier.

Second Charge Move Cost
10,000 Stardust + 25 Candy
Flee Rate
6 %
Buddy Distance
1 KM
Catch Rate
12.5 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %