
PvE Analysis
Originally introduced as a region-specific Pokemon alongside its partner Plusle, the pair eventually had their regional limitations removed and became globally available on Feb 9, 2018. Ever since then Minun has largely been forgotten about due to its poor stats, which translates to basically no meta relevancy.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Spark + Thunderbolt | Best |
- Spark pairs well with Thunderbolt to fulfill an Electric-type role.
- Discharge has less damage output, but costs less energy to use.
- Swift has no use offensively.
- Grass Knot doesn't get STAB, and falls behind other options.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Quick Attack + Discharge, Thunderbolt, or Grass Knot | Best |
- Quick Attack hits harder on defense and has slightly better defensive energy gains.
- Discharge is harder to dodge than Thunderbolt and has lower energy cost, but the latter is much more powerful.
- Swift can possibly be used to hit for meh neutral damage, but it's the easiest to dodge.
- Grass Knot could be useful to threaten Ground-type attackers, but this is a niche at best.
PvP Analysis
Spark + Discharge and Grass Knot | Best |
Spark is the preferred fast move, benefiting from faster energy generation than Quick Attack, as well as STAB.
Discharge has a relatively low energy cost of only 45, and combined with the fast energy gains from Spark, Minun is able to spam its opponents with frequent charge moves and possibly bait out shields. Thunderbolt hits harder with a base power of 90 and respectable 1.6 DPE (Damage Per Energy), which allows it to possibly KO opponents if unshielded. Grass Knot provides extra coverage, especially against Minun's only weakness: Ground-type Pokemon.
Great League | |
Minun and its partner Plusle were initially introduced as regional Pokemon, but ever since their regional status was removed on February 9, 2018 and their shiny variants were introduced on July 14, 2018, they've become somewhat forgotten about. Minun has since then found some niches in Great League, where its useful Electric-type damage hurts common Flying-types like Skarmory, and strikes fear into Water Pokemon such as Azumarill. Minun's stat distribution is more optimal for Great League than Plusle's though not enough to make a significant difference. | |
Ultra League | |
Minun is limited to Great League. | |
Master League | |
Wrong league, pal. |