Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

If you come from or go to the land down under, be sure to pick up a Kangaskhan. This 'mon has a very interesting kit that contains no STAB moves besides one legacy move. She has a solid defensive movepool and typing that is compromised by pretty average stats. Kangaskhan isn’t designed for offense, where middling Atk and lack of STAB make for a poor attacker.

Kangaskhan does have a bit of hope for the future in the form of a mega evolution, though without the advantage of its signature ability, Parental Bond, it likely won't be fantastic.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

(Any) + Stomp*, Outrage, Earthquake, or CrunchBest
  • Low Kick hits Normal, Dark, and Ice effectively, which are commonly found in gyms, but Mud Slap does not.

  • If you are lucky enough to have a Stomp Kangaskhan, good for you! It trounces other charge moves due to STAB.

  • Outrage is the best of Kangaskhan's current charge moves, having huge power and wide neutral coverage.

  • Earthquake and Crunch are poor overall, but Earthquake at least matches type with Mud Slap.

  • Power-Up Punch is basically worthless due to how weak it is.

  • Kangaskhan's other legacy move, Brick Break, lacks the power to be useful.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Mud Slap + Stomp*, Crunch, Brick Break, or OutrageBest
  • Mud Slap has substantially higher defensive DPS than Low Kick.

  • Stomp is a clear winner due to its STAB and few resistances; this 2 bar move is annoying to fight.

  • Outrage is a fine choice as well; it's strong and not widely resisted, but it’s easy to dodge.

  • Crunch, Power-Up Punch, and Brick Break fire early and often, so they are also worth considering.

  • With 1 bar and a late damage window, Earthquake won’t do squat.

PvP Analysis

Mud Slap + Crunch and Stomp*

Mud Slap is a strong damage-oriented move, far outclassing Low Kick.

Stomp* is Kangaskhan's cheapest STAB Charged Attack and offers consistent damage, though its parameters are somewhat underwhelming and it requires an Elite Charged TM. Crunch further smashes Ghost- and Psychic-type enemies, and its debuff chance helps improve Mud Slap's already good damage output. Power-Up Punch is Kangaskhan's cheapest Charged Attack and improves Mud Slap's damage output due to its Attack buff, but it is very weak. Outrage is an option that can eliminate Dragon-type Pokemon, but it is rather expensive and is largely a surprise option. Earthquake is expensive and is generally not recommended as Mud Slap deals enough damage to Steel- and Rock-type targets, but its high Ground-type damage can help secure Kangaskhan's matchup against bulkier enemies.

Great League3 / 5

Kangaskhan is an interesting choice thanks to its overall good stats, Normal-typing, and rather wide coverage. Most notably, it walls Ghost-type Pokemon and significantly threatens Steel-type Pokemon, which can be disruptive to certain compositions. Kangaskhan doesn't see too much play due to the presence of stronger Normal-type Pokemon such as Dunsparce and Lickilicky, but it can still pull its weight.

Ultra League3 / 5

Kangaskhan is great at harassing key Ultra League Pokemon such as Giratina, Cresselia, and Tentacruel. The bulk afforded by Ultra League's increased CP also lets Kangaskhan survive a Focus Blast from Registeel, allowing it to continue pressuring with Mud Slap. Kangaskhan's biggest nemesis in this League is Virizion; this Sword of Justice resists Mud Slap and Crunch and swiftly dispatches of Kangaskhan with a flurry of Double Kicks and Sacred Swords. Kangaskhan also continues to compete with other bulky Normal-type Pokemon for a slot on a team, such as Lickilicky, Miltank, and Dubwool.

Master League0 / 5

Its CP is too low to compete here. Too bad Kangaskhan's kid can't just jump out of its pouch and help it....

Well it can if you Mega Evolve it, but Megas are typically banned in GBL so Mega Kangaskhan is largely limited to grassroots tournaments with custom rulesets.

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
9 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
20 %
Female Ratio
100 %
Male Ratio
0 %