
PvE Analysis
From a Psychic-type attacker perspective, Jynx leaves much to be desired. The likes of Alakazam and Espeon aren’t burdened by the defensive liabilities of Ice-typing while also boasting higher Atk, to say nothing of monsters like Shadow Mewtwo which just plainly dwarf it by comparison When considering the classic Ice-types, Jynx stands above Cloyster and Lapras in terms of offensive capabilities, and was once the top DPS option for Ice Types. However, nowadays it's just a poor choice for the role.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Best | |
Okay |
Frost Breath should be paired with Avalanche for one of the highest Ice-type DPS in the game.
Ice Punch is a decent alternative should you want to preserve your legacy move.
- Confusion can be paired with Psyshock to fight Fighting and Poison-type Pokemon, but other Pokemon are better suited for the role.
Focus Blast is inferior to other charge moves that Jynx can use.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Best |
Confusion is Jynx’s best move on defense, being one of the best fast moves for defense in the game.
All of Jynx’s charge moves rate similarly on defense, with each having advantages over each other in terms of energy cost, dodgeability, and coverage.
PvP Analysis
Confusion has a very nice stat line, providing above average damage with solid energy production. Frost Breath has inferior stats, but provides Ice-type coverage.
Avalanche is a very strong move with great coverage and reasonable energy cost, making it a must have for dealing with many of the Pokemon that Jynx wants to counter. Psyshock is a cheap and relatively strong move that enjoys STAB, though Ice Punch's lower energy cost also makes it attractive despite the fact that it shares the same type as Avalanche.
Great League | |
Jynx hits hard and has decent coverage, but that's about it. It's far too frail to be considered a good general pick, and it's too slow to be a solid glass cannon like Haunter. Ice and Psychic typing generally doesn't synergize well, with a big list of weaknesses and no worthy resistances to really make up for it. | |
Ultra League | |
Jynx would far rather stay home. | |
Master League | |
Jynx is a liability in the Master League. |