Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Water Types are commonly seen in Pokemon GO, and Golduck is outclassed by a lot of other Pokemon who are either more powerful, durable, or both. Sadly, it's probably best to just leave this duck in the pond.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Water Gun + Hydro PumpBest
Confusion + PsychicOkay
  • Water Gun is superior to Confusion for filling Golduck’s role as a Water-type attacker, though the latter can be paired with Psychic for a very mediocre Psychic Type moveset.

  • Hydro Pump is Golduck's strongest Charged Move, but Liquidation is just a touch weaker but far more reasonable thanks to being 2-bars.

  • Cross Chop, Synchronoise, Bubble Beam and Ice Beam lose out on STAB and perform suboptimally against Golduck’s best matchups.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Confusion + LiquidationBest
  • Confusion is Golduck’s best move on defense, outperforming Water Gun by a huge margin.

  • Ice Beam is superior on defense due to having 2 bars and Grass-type coverage.

  • Liquidation is the best charged move for neutral damage, but it gives counters an easier time.

  • Psychic is a worthwhile move on defense thanks to having 2 bars, good power, and relevant coverage against Fighting types. It easily beats out Synchronoise.

  • Bubble Beam is weak, but it has 3 bars, which grants it some utility on defense.

  • Hydro Pump is powerful, but too slow to be useful on defense.

  • Cross Chop is too weak to be worthwhile.

PvP Analysis

Water Gun or Confusion + Cross Chop or Liquidation and Ice Beam or Psychic or Synchronoise

Water Gun features average damage output and energy generation, but STAB helps to increase its damage. Confusion can be chosen for its interesting coverage, but its long animation time can make it difficult to use. 

Cross Chop is recommended for its wide coverage, in addition to its cheap 35 energy cost. Liquidation is a great STAB move, but many other Pokemon have strong Water-type movesets, so Golduck may want to choose its other coverage options to be more unique. Bubble Beam has a debuff utility and can be chosen instead as a shield bait option, but is underwhelming if the bait fails. Ice Beam provides useful coverage, especially against Dragon and Grass-type counter picks. Psychic or Synchronoise could also work depending on what coverage is needed, though they aren't generally recommended. 

Great League 1.5 / 5

Golduck is a mono-Water type Pokemon with average bulk and an interestingly large move pool. The update following the September 2019 rebalance gave Golduck three extra charge move options which is great for Golduck, but bad for our limited Charge TMs. Numerous moveset combinations make Golduck quite versatile and lets it be customized more specifically to a player's needs depending on what coverage they need for their team. However, as a Water type Golduck has a lot of competition in this league, which makes it less desirable due to its unimpressive bulk and unspectacular damage output or energy generation. 

Ultra League 0 / 5

Golduck requires Candy XL to hit Ultra League's CP cap. Once again, Golduck relies on its rather unique moveset combinations to find a niche in this league, but its moves are just not powerful enough to stand out.

Master League0 / 5

Ducks don't have much of a chance against dragons and dinosaurs. 

Purification Cost
3 Candy + 3,000 Stardust
Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
6 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
20 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %