
PvE Analysis
What can we say? Girafarig isn't even the most generally popular palindrome Pokemon out there. It has nothing to call its own.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Confusion + Psychic | Best |
- Confusion and Psychic belong together, giving Girafarig its only moveset with a shadow of viability.
- Thunderbolt is a good move, but it has no utility here.
- Tackle, Double Kick, Trailblaze, and Mirror Coat are objectively bad choices.
- Psychic Fangs is meant for PvP.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Confusion + Thunderbolt or Trailblaze | Best |
- Confusion is the best choice on defense.
- Double Kick is worse than Confusion, but Fighting coverage can definitely be valuable for counter-coverage on defense.
- Thunderbolt provides off-type coverage.
- Trailblaze has solid power and usability, making it a great defensive option.
- Psychic is an okay choice as it allows Girafarig to counter Machamp harder, but leaves it helpless against Tyranitar and Metagross.
- Tackle and Mirror Coat have no use at all.
- Psychic Fangs can be spammed on defense as a 3-bar move, but its damage output is pitiful.
PvP Analysis
Confusion or Double Kick + Psychic Fangs and Thunderbolt or Trailblaze |
Confusion is superior to Tackle in both damage output and energy generation. Double Kick offers more energy generation, but lacks STAB and synergy with Girafarig's other moves.
Psychic Fangs is recommended for its low energy cost, helping to bait shields while also applying a debuff to ramp up Confusion damage. Thunderbolt is Girafarig's best secondary move option, providing alternative coverage. Psychic is Girafarig's strongest Charge Move, but its energy cost is discouraging. Trailblaze offers a way to boost Girafarig's Attack, meaning it will be occasionally very useful. Return is an extremely strong STAB move that can pick up surprise KOes now and then, though the combination of Girafarig's frailty and the medium energy gains from its Fast Attacks can make it difficult to reach
Great League | |
Girafarig packs an interesting typing; it is a Psychic-type who is unafraid of Ghost-type Pokemon. The addition of Psychic Fangs following the September 2022 update gives Girafarig a smoother gameplay, letting it bait shields potentially while also applying a debuff to ramp up the damage from Confusion. However Girafarig is still fragile and vulnerable to Dark-type Pokemon, and is generally still walled by common Steel Pokemon as well. | |
Ultra League | |
Keep the giraffe out of here. | |
Master League | |
Girafarig might be 1.5m tall, but it's not 4.5m Kyogre tall, or 5.4m Dialga tall, or 6.9m Giratina-O tall. |