Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Its utility matches its aesthetic beauty. That is to say it's a flamboyant but ultimately unattractive option for... basically anything. It has a great Defensive moveset, but it's little more than a speed-bump on that front.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Confusion + Psychic FangsBest
Water Gun + Aqua TailBest
  • Confusion and Psychic Fangs or Water Gun and Aqua Tail are the best options here.
  • Bite and Crunch are sub-par.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Confusion + CrunchBest
  • Confusion is the defensive Fast Move of choice.
  • Water Gun and Bite are sub-par, but they both have their defensive utility for working against specific counters.
  • Crunch will tend to be the best Charged Move option, though Aqua Tail is great tooo.
  • Psychic Fangs is pretty weak.

PvP Analysis

Confusion or Water Gun + Psychic Fangs and Aqua Tail

Confusion deals more damage than Water Gun, but Water Gun's far speedier duration and different coverage can be useful. Bite is a rather poor Fast Attack, but may find a niche in certain cups.

Psychic Fangs is Bruxish's bread and butter, amplifying its already potent Fast Attack pressure. Aqua Tail is another cheap STAB option and provides good coverage with Bruxish's strong Psychic-type attacks. Crunch is a valid option to smash opposing Psychic and Ghost-type Pokemon.

Great League2 / 5

Although Bruxish packs a formidable moveset, it suffers from poor bulk and mediocre typing. In the Open Great League, it falls prey to numerous common enemies. It also faces competition from Slowbro, who possesses the same typing but has much greater bulk. Nonetheless, Bruxish can find itself occasionally shining in certain cups. In rulesets where Fast Attack pressure is not prevalent, Bruxish can be a menace in extended battles thanks to its consistent damage output and access to Psychic Fangs to debuff opponents through their shields.

Ultra League2 / 5

Same deal with Great League really. It is a bit bulkier here, but it's not enough to save it from its numerous weaknesses.

Master League0 / 5

Its signature ability, Dazzling, can perhaps let it find a niche on certain te...oops wrong game. Don't use Bruxish in Master League.

Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %