
PvE Analysis
Just evolve it or use it in PvP.
PvP Analysis
Dragon Breath + Dragon Claw is a classic spammy combination and serves as the bread and butter of Arctibax's damage output. Avalanche is one of the best Charged Attacks in the game thanks to its incredible DPE and moderately low cost; it also benefits from Baxcalibur's secondary STAB and provides coverage against various Fairy-, Flying- and Ground-type Pokemon. Icy Wind is also a great move due to its guaranteed Attack debuff and is a viable alternative, though Avalanche's raw power is often preferred as it otherwise isn't dealing much Ice-type damage. Outrage is a good move, but it can't viably replace either Dragon Claw's spamminess or Avalanche's coverage.
Arctibax's other fast attack, Ice Fang, can see play in certain limited formats due to it providing consistent Ice-type damage. In the vast majority of cases, though, Dragon Breath's superior energy generation for the same DPT makes Ice Fang an inferior option
Great League | |
Arctibax is a strong Dragon-type choice in Great League thanks to its reliable damage output and Avalanche's incredible power and efficiency. Although the Ice typing can be a burden defensively, Arctibax's closing potential is greater than most other Dragons, and is better at overwhelming tanky neutral opponents such as Lickitung and Umbreon. Its struggles against Skarmory, Azumarill, and Counter users can definitely be challenging to cover, however. | |
Ultra League | |
t's Baxcalibur but way more expensive and doesn't even reach the CP cap. Bax isn't great to begin with in this League, and Arctibax isn't any better. | |
Master League | |
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