
PvE Analysis
Stat-wise, Armaldo is very similar to fellow Bug-types Scizor and Heracross. By all accounts, it should have been a solid addition to the meta as either a Rock-type or a Bug-type attacker. The catch? It lacks a Rock-type fast move, so you’d be better off using even Sudowoodo for Rock-type offense. And for some reason it didn’t get the obvious X-Scissor as a charge move, so it can’t do Bug-type offense at all. A sad outcome for a very cool Pokemon.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Fury Cutter + Rock Blast or Cross Poison | Best |
- Fury Cutter sets outdamage Struggle Bug sets and are also easier to dodge with.
- Rock Blast is Armaldo’s sole STAB charge move and can output middling Rock DPS.
- Cross Poison can see some use against Grass-types, but it’s otherwise an awful option.
- Don’t use Water Pulse on offense.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Struggle Bug + Rock Blast or Cross Poison | Best |
- Struggle Bug is preferred over Fury Cutter due to the massive power difference.
- Rock Blast has STAB, 3 bars, and an early damage window, making it a strong choice.
- Cross Poison hits very early but is weak against Rock-type enemies.
- Water Pulse is just a bad defensive move in general.
PvP Analysis
Fury Cutter + Rock Blast and Liquidation |
Fury Cutter is the preferred fast move, featuring fast energy generation and also benefits from STAB. Struggle Bug deals more damage, but doesn't let Armaldo use its charge as frequently and overall is an inferior pick.
Rock Blast takes advantage of STAB and a low energy cost which makes it the main charge move for Armaldo. Liquidation helps cover Rock- and Ground-type targets and is generally a solid move. Cross Poison is the cheapest charge move energy-wise and allows for shield-baiting, but its damage output and coverage isn't very favorable. Water Pulse just absolutely horrible, dealing 70 damage for 60 energy
Great League | 1 / 5 |
Armaldo has an odd Bug/Rock typing which makes it vulnerable to only 3 typings, but doesn't really provide any meaningful resistances otherwise. A stat distribution focused on offense results in overall fewer defensive stats which hurts it more. However, Armaldo's main liability is its horrible moveset, with all of its charge moves offering little damage for the amount of energy used up (DPE). This leaves Armaldo relatively toothless in comparison to other candidates in Great League, and results in a long list of losses against the popular meta picks. | |
Ultra League | 0 / 5 |
A higher CP cap in Ultra League allows Armaldo to utilize its ATK stat more, but it still has the same problems as it did in Great League. Wins against Umbreon and Lugia are appreciated, but losses against most meta picks still discourage its use. | |
Master League | 0 / 5 |
If Armaldo couldn't get many wins on an equal CP playing field, just wait until it faces Pokemon with a CP disadvantage. |