Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Alomomola shares similar properties as the Chansey family; great bulk from the STA stat, pitiful offensive capabilities, and it's pink. While it has no use in the PvE meta, its respectable bulk and Water-typing makes it a good choice for those pink-themed gyms.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Waterfall + Hydro PumpBest
  • Waterfall takes advantage of STAB and is the superior pick overall.
  • Hidden Power is suboptimal, even if you manage to get the appropriate typing.
  • Hydro Pump fulfills the Water-type role, and hits hard with STAB.
  • Blizzard is strong, but Alomomola isn't used for Ice-type offense.
  • Psychic is meant for Psychic-type Pokemon, despite Alomomola's pink appearance. 

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Hidden Power or Waterfall + PsychicBest
  • Hidden Power can be more preferable for defense due to its unpredictable coverage.
  • Waterfall hits hard on defense with STAB, though it doesn't provide extra coverage. 
  • Psychic is the only 2-bar move available, which lets it be used most frequently.
  • Hydro Pump is the hardest to dodge, but doesn't offer additional coverage.
  • Blizzard can nail Grass and Dragon attackers hard, but takes a while to use as a 1-bar move. 

PvP Analysis

Waterfall or Hidden Power + Psychic and Hydro Pump or Blizzard

Waterfall gets STAB and hits quite hard, though its energy generation is below average. Hidden Power can be more preferable depending on the typing, and can allow Alomomola to be more of a wildcard to surprise opponents. It also has poor energy gains. 

Psychic costs the least amount of energy among Alomomola's charge moves, and is therefore the most accessible and commonly used. Either Hydro Pump or Blizzard can be chosen for the secondary charge move; the former gets STAB while the latter provides valuable coverage, including against Grass and Dragon counterpicks. 

Great League3 / 5

Alomomola has a max CP of 2169, which doesn't even reach the cap of Ultra League. 

Ultra League1 / 5

Alomomola has a max CP of 2169, which doesn't even reach the cap of Ultra League. 

Master League0 / 5

This pink fish would look like a sushi lunch to the Pokemon competing in Master League. 

Second Charge Move Cost
75,000 Stardust + 75 Candy
Flee Rate
10 %
Buddy Distance
5 KM
Catch Rate
20 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio