
March Community Day Classic: Totodile

March community day classic has been announced, and it puts Totodile in the spotlight!
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Johto fans unite as Totodile stars in its very own Community Day Classic! Being a dominant Pokemon in PvP makes this a very worthwile event to play, even for those who participated in its original Community Day. So strap on your boots as it's an event worth playing!

Totodile Community Day Classic

Saturday March 22, from 2:00 pmSaturday March 22, from 5:00 pm

Event Bonuses

  • 1/4 Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed into Incubators during the event.
  • Lure Modules activated during the event will last for three hours.
  • Incense (excluding Daily Adventure Incense) activated during the event will last for three hours.
  • Take a few snapshots during Community Day for encounters with Totodile.

Event Features

  • Field Researches with Totodile encounters, that have Dual Destiny–themed Special Backgrounds—if you’re lucky!.
  • PokeStop Showcases.

Meta Relevance


The shadow form makes for an alright Water type attacker, but is outclassed by other better shadow and non shadow Pokemon.


On the PvE side of things it's a completely different story. Being an absolute staple in both the Great and Ultra League, whilst also being viable in the Master League. Both the shadow and non shadow form. This thing is an absolute must have for anyone who is serious about PvP!


Mega Evolutions

Mega evolve one of the following Pokemon to get up to 2 extra candies per catch and an additional chance to get XL candies.

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