
PvE Analysis
Stoutland is a Normal Type. That alone fairly well procludes it from having any real utility in any raid format. It has an interesting moveset that could make it an early-game super-budget counter to Ghost types in particular, but it's outclassed on every front despite the fact that teams of nothing but this Pokemon have been used to take down Giratina-Altered.
On defense, Lick can provide good energy gains, and Crunch can provide very quick move usage, while Wild Charge is a tad slower for a lot more power. Overall, Stoutland isn't a bad choice for budget defense, though it's not objectively great in this role.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
- Lick and Crunch can let Stoutland come in on ghosts with its double-resistance, but it's not exactly an objectively good option.
- Sand Attack doesn't really synergize with Stoutland's Charged Moves.
- Wild Charge hits hard, but has little synergy with the rest of Stoutland's moveset.
- Ice Fang and Play Rough can come together to allow Stoutland to counter Dragons.... but a Dragon slayer Stoutland is not.
- Despite having STAB, Take Down is an objectively weak move.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Best |
- Ice Fang hits hard and has good coverage.
- Lick can hit for Super Effective damage against Ghosts and Psychic Types, and has superior energy gains.
- Take Down has higher neutral damage output than Lick thanks in part to STAB.
- Sand Attack isn't great on defense.
- Play Rough hits Dragons and Machamp hard, making it the best option.
- Crunch is a preferred move on defense, coming out fast and dealing Super Effective damage to Metagross.
- Wild Charge is a great move for a surprise, but is slower than Crunch and somewhat less meaningful..
PvP Analysis
Sand Attack has great Energy generation, allowing Stoutland to launch a barrage of Charged Moves with ease. Lick enables Stoutland to hard counter Ghost-types, and has well rounded stats. Ice Fang sports high damage and good offensive coverage along-side slightly below-average energy gains.
Crunch costs the least amount of energy among Stoutland's charge moves, and supports his role in beating Ghosts. Wild Charge hits hard and provides good coverage against common Water and Flying-types. Play Rough can be viable in certain formats, but a large energy cost discourages its use.
Great League | |
Stoutland seems like a mon that could nearly be good. Sadly, that's not the case. It's outclassed by other powerful Normal-types like Munchlax, Vigoroth, and Lickitung, and is best left on the bench. | |
Ultra League | |
Since most of the Pokémon listed above don't scale to 2500, Stoutland has a bit more of a niche here in Ultra League as a soft answer to Giratina and Cresselia. Do note that its stats don't quite cut it, leaving Stoutland more as a spice pick than anything you should be striving to use. | |
Master League | |
Puppy can't quite cut it vs all the Dragons in Master League. |