
Shadow Regirock

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Shadow Regirock is.... not a good Pokemon. Despite the vaunted Shadow boost, its low base attack set still relegates it to a position where it doesn't really have any sort of viability in the raid meta. It's genuinely not worth a stardust investment.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Rock ThrowRock Throw + Stone EdgeStone EdgeBest
  • Rock Throw + Stone Edge is Shadow Regirock's only even slightly viable attacking set in light of its poor Attack stat.
  • Lock-On is for PvP only. 

PvP Analysis

Lock-On is an amazing move in pvp if paired with the right Charged Moves. Its damage-output is basically non-existent, but the energy generation is very high, making it so that Shadow Regirock can reach Stone Edge and Focus Blast in record time. To top it all off, these two moves have great overall coverage, though it leaves Shadow Regirock vulnerable to any Fighting Types that it may encounter.

Great League3 / 5

Regirock has a titanic defense stat and decent overall bulk. Its typing however, doesn't do it many favors, as it results in more weaknesses than resistances. While access to Lock-On enables Regirock to frequently use its powerful charge moves just like its Regi counterparts, Regirock tends to struggle more due to greater threats of fainting from its numerous weaknesses. Over it's still a good candidate for Great League, but lacking the resistances of Registeel is what sets Regirock back. 

Regular Regirock tends to be preferred over Shadow Regirock, as the Shadow boost very rarely ever increases Lock-On's damage output.

Ultra League3 / 5

Regirock's high CP maxes out not far above the Ultra League cap, giving it very solid bulk in the tier. It can work very well as a Rock-type attacker and fills the niche that this brings very well, with extra coverage on ubiquitous Steel thanks to Focus Blast or Earthquake. It has many good matchups in the tier, but it's also dead weight against a large number of major threats.

Master League3 / 5

Though its stats and moves are decent, Regirock is unfortunately outclassed by Rhyperior. Rhyperior has superior stats and a more flexible moveset. Regirock is still usable for limited grassroots formats though.

Second Charge Move Cost
100,000 Stardust + 100 Candy
Flee Rate
1 %
Buddy Distance
20 KM
Catch Rate
2 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio