Shadow Dusknoir

PvE Analysis
Poor Dusknoir, not even a Shadow forme can save you. Even Cofagrigus out-damages you, you poor, poor ghost.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
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Hex beats Astonish.
Ominous Wind’s STAB is compensated by Dark Pulse’s better parameters, but Shadow Ball* is the top pick.
Psychic has no offensive use on Dusknoir, and Poltergeist is a step down.
- Dynamic Punch doesn't have any real utility for Dusknoir.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
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Hex is again the better fast move.
Psychic is a great option with good power and 2 bars, but it leaves Dusknoir easily picked off by Dark Types.
Shadow Punch and Dark Pulse are also great options.
Ominous Wind falls behind.
- Poltergeist takes too long to charge to be generally worth considering.
- Dynamic Punch hits hard and has counter-coverage against Dark Types.
PvP Analysis
Astonish + Shadow Punch and Dynamic Punch |
Astonish is preferred over Hex due to its high damage output; Dusknoir's energy costs are low enough to not require Hex's energy gain.
Shadow Punch is a cheap-costing STAB move with decent overall damage output. Dynamic Punch offers nigh-unresisted coverage when combined with Dusknoir's Ghost STAB. Shadow Ball*, Dark Pulse, Psychic, Poltergeist, Ominous Wind, and Frustration are all outclassed - either due to redundant coverage, low DPE, or high energy costs (or in Frustration's case, just outright horrible).
Great League | |
Dusknoir has long stood in the shadows of other Ghost-type Pokemon, but all that changed after a series of updates that gave it a well-buffed Astonish, Shadow Punch, and Dynamic Punch. Dusknoir is a potent offensive threat and neutral force, claiming a niche over other Ghosts such as Galarian Corsola and Drifblim thanks to the cheapness of Shadow Punch and the anti-Normal/Dark coverage of Dynamic Punch. Though Dusknoir's bulk is merely average, the raw strength of its moveset makes this long-forgotten specter worth using. The Shadow version of Dusknoir is typically the preferred variant as the Shadow boost synergizes well with Dusknoir's relentless and consistent damage output. This ensures that Dusknoir can take advantage of the Shadow boost more often than its opponents can abuse the Shadow debuff.. | |
Ultra League | |
Like in Great League, Dusknoir is a potent option in the Ultra League thanks to its powerful moveset. The fact that Galarian Corsola cannot reach the Ultra League CP cap makes it even better, as Dusknoir has one fewer competitor for the consistent Ghost-type role. The Shadow version of Dusknoir is typically the preferred variant as the Shadow boost synergizes well with Dusknoir's relentless and consistent damage output. This ensures that Dusknoir can take advantage of the Shadow boost more often than its opponents can abuse the Shadow debuff. | |
Master League | |
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