
PvP Analysis
Best |
Bubble + Icy Wind or Bubble Beam and Hydro Pump
Bubble benefits from STAB and also sports above-average energy generation. Metal Claw is a below-average move, and Steel typing isn't very valuable offensively.
Icy Wind is preferred for its useful coverage and debuff utility. Bubble Beam costs the least amount of energy which makes it useful for baiting shields, but deals pathetic damage. Hydro Pump requires a huge amount of energy to use, but can deal tremendous damage with STAB. In general, it is always recommended to have Hydro Pump, otherwise Prinplup lacks shield pressure and damage output.
Great League | |
Prinplup is a mono-Water type with average bulk and a useful utility moveset. While access to two charge moves with debuffs can be very beneficial, they unfortunately don't provide significant damage output, which may leave Prinplup to rely on its slower charging Hydro Pump. Overall Prinplup's use may be more limited due to consistency problems with landing Hydro Pump when shields are up. If you're interested in this style involving mind games, Suicune also sports a very similar but faster moveset due to its access with Snarl. | |
Ultra League | |
Prinplup lacks adequate stats to compete outside of Great League | |
Master League | |
At least Prinplup's evolution has more stats. |