
PvE Analysis
Pangoro isn't the first Pokemon to be released into Pokemon Go with the Fighting/Dark typing, and unfortunately doesn't provide much to challenge existing meta Pokemon in either typings. It's also not recommended for defense due to its weakness to Fighting-type attackers that current meta defenders largely share, and its double weakness to Fairy-type attacks is easily abused.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Best | |
Good |
- Snarl pairs well with Night Slash to fulfill a Dark-type role.
- Low Kick pairs well with Close Combat to fulfill a Fighting-type role.
- Bullet Punch is more suitable for a Steel-type Pokemon.
- Rock Slide is a strong move, but lacks STAB and synergy with Pangoro.
- Iron Head is useless.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Best |
- Bullet Punch is less likely to be resisted on defense and hurts Fairy-type attackers.
- Snarl is also good on defense with its higher base power plus STAB.
- Low Kick is weak on defense, and in general.
- Night Slash can be used frequently as a 3-bar move, but is likely to be resisted by attackers.
- Iron Head can deal notable damage against Fairy-type attackers.
- Rock Slide is good against Flying-type attackers but resisted by common Fighting-type attackers.
- Close Combat is hard to dodge but slow to access as a 1-bar move.
PvP Analysis
In Pokemon GO: Max Out, Pangoro received Karate Chop. It has the highest energy generation and damage output of all of its Fast Attacks, making it clearly the superior option
Night Slash is quite cheap for a charge move and can be spammed often to provide frequent shield pressure and get occasional gamechanging boosts. Close Combat is recommended for its very high damage threat per energy cost, though its harsh self-debuff makes it more difficult to use. Rock Slide provides valuable coverage as a Rock-type move, but giving up Pangoro's main charge moves might be a tough sell. Iron Head isn't enough to flip matchups against Fairy-types in an even fight.
Great League | |
Fast and powerful, Pangoro is an extremely deadly glass cannon with top-notch pacing and immense closing potential. Its Dark subtype sets it apart from Machamp; Pangoro is much more effective at dealing with Ghost- and Psychic-type Pokemon. Pangoro does struggle greatly to threaten Fairy-type Pokemon and the omnipresent Clodsire, which really sets back its sweeping potential. | |
Ultra League | |
Pangoro's coverage is quite useful for Ultra League, threatening Super Effective damage against a wide array of popular Pokemon. Fast access to its charge moves provides good shield pressure that lets Pangoro challenge various neutral matchups. Keep it away from Fairies and Fighters. | |
Master League | |
Pangoro's stats are somewhat lackluster for Master League, most notably its bulk stats. |