
PvE Analysis
Regional exclusive: only available in Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.
Despite brandishing a mighty leek with a fierce brow and confident grin, there is very little use for Farfetch'd outside of the dex entry. Even in the locations it's regional to, finding Farfetch'd is no easy task. Maybe that's why it looks so smug? Happy hunting!
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Air Slash + Aerial Ace | Best |
Air Slash is superior to Cut and Fury Cutter, having STAB, better coverage, and better DPS.
Aerial Ace is superior to Air Cutter, having better DPS at a lower energy cost.
Leaf Blade will perform better against Water, Ground, and Rock-type targets.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Air Slash + Leaf Blade | Best |
Air Slash is superior to both Cut and Fury Cutter by virtue of its higher base damage.
Leaf Blade is slightly superior to Aerial Ace, offering better counter coverage against offending Rock-type Pokemon.
Air Cutter is underwhelming in every aspect.
PvP Analysis
Fury Cutter or Air Slash + Leaf Blade and Aerial Ace | Best |
Both fast moves are viable on Farfetch'd, the former leaning towards greater energy gains at the cost of damage output, while the latter is more balanced. If you have to choose, Air Slash allows slightly more wins overall partly thanks to STAB.
Leaf Blade is an excellent move for PvP, with an impressive 2.0 DPE value, while requiring only 35 energy which lets it be used frequently. Aerial Ace is superior to Air Cutter and offers additional Flying-type damage should you need it.
Great League | |
Farfetch'd has more value as a regional dex filler than a PvP contender, as its max CP of 1236 doesn't even reach the CP cap of Great League. Well-rounded stats don't really offer significant bulk, though it can somewhat fulfill a flier role with the extra power of Leaf Blade. From that perspective, Tropius looks to be a much stronger option should you have access to one, and it would certainly be less costly than maxing out a Farfetch'd. | |
Ultra League | |
Farfetch'd barely has the stats needed for Great League, let alone any other league. | |
Master League | |
Farfetch'd would be an excellent snack for those fighting in Master League. |