
Shadow Sableye

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Shadow Sableye is an interesting little Pokemon, but its performance  is poor. As an attacker, it's even below Gastly just to put it into perspective. That said, it looks absolutely amazing.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

  • Shadow Claw is slightly superior to Feint Attack, offering slightly higher DPS, slightly less energy gains, and similar coverage.
  • Foul Play is strictly superior to both Shadow Sneak and Power Gem, offering significantly better damage and more relevant coverage respectively.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

  • Feint Attack is better than Shadow Claw, with higher damage and energy gains.
  • Foul Play is strictly superior to both Shadow Sneak and Power Gem, offering better damage, lower charge times, and an earlier damage window.
  • Power Gem can offer better coverage against Dragonite and offending Fairy-type Pokemon.

PvP Analysis

Shadow Claw performs better than Feint Attack most of the time. Their damage output is the same, but the former leaps ahead with energy gains compared to latter. While this doesn't seem like much, in practice the difference is very noticeable, resulting in charge moves being used much sooner. 

Foul Play is Sableye's best charge move, which costs only 45 energy and benefits from STAB. Power Gem is now a viable (and good!) option on Sableye thanks to its buff in Pokemon GO: Max Out. Shadow Sneak is terrible.

Great League4 / 5

Sableye is a popular pick in Great League. Taking advantage of a Dark/Ghost typing which only shows a weakness to Fairy-types, and along with a strong moveset, Sableye gives a lot of value after a massive Stardust and Candy investment is made. Just keep in mind that due to its stat distribution, Sableye will lack some bulk in comparison to other top picks in Great League. 

Shadow Sableye is a sidegrade option to regular Sableye, sacrificing some bulk and access to Return for the improved ability to break past tanky targets. It generally improves its matchup against Azumarill and Clodsire, for instance.

Ultra League0 / 5

Sableye takes hard losses outside of Great League due to having a CP that doesn't even come close to 2,500.

Master League0 / 5

This ain't your place to shine, even if you have the shiny. 

Purification Cost
5 Candy + 5,000 Stardust
Flee Rate
7 %
Buddy Distance
5 KM
Catch Rate
20 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %