
Shadow Meganium

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Much like how Meganium is a lesser Venusaur in many ways, Shadow Meganium is largely a lesser Shadow Venusaur. It's strong enough to be useful in raids, but it's not quite up to par with the top Grass Type attackers.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

  • Magical Leaf is the Fast Move of choice. Vine Whip is on par with Razor Leaf on attack; though they’re very different moves, they end up close in cycle DPS.

  • Frenzy Plant is one of the best Grass-type moves in the game, and Shadow Meganium's best choice.

  • Solar Beam is frequently superior to Petal Blizzard due to its massive base power.

  • Earthquake has little use on an offensive Shadow Meganium.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

  • Magical leaf is superior to Razor Leaf and Vine Whip, netting higher damage and energy gain.

  • While all of Meganium’s charge moves are poor on defense, Frenzy Plant* at least has multiple bar while Earthquake offers a little counter-coverage against Fire Types. That said, it will probably faint before launching the latter.

PvP Analysis

Vine WhipVine Whip + Frenzy PlantFrenzy Plant* and EarthquakeEarthquake

Meganium has basically one moveset, and this is it. Vine Whip is preferred over Razor Leaf due to its high energy generation letting it effectively leverage its powerful charged moves. Magical Leaf is a decent move, but Vine Whip's higher energy generation complements Meganium's powerful Charged Attacks better.

If you don't have a Meganium with Frenzy Plant, you don't have a Meganium. This Grass-type move is both cheap and hard-hitting, and is one of the biggest reasons for Meganium's power. The other reason is, of course, Earthquake. This Ground-type coverage leaves Meganium in the unique position of being able to handle Steel-types that wall most other Grasses, and it's super useful!

Great League
3 / 5

Meganium was once a top tier threat in the Great League due to its rare ability to threaten both Azumarill and Registeel, a powerful core at the time. However, as the metagame evolved and more threats came about, Meganium found itself harshly competing against other Grass-type options. Trevenant was king when Ghost resists were rare, Venusaur's resistance to Fairy and Fighting often proved useful, and Serperior's higher bulk and speedier moveset made it the Grass-type of choice when Grass resists were uncommon. As a result, Meganium mostly faded into obscurity. By no means is Meganium a bad Pokemon, however, due to its good bulk and incredible moveset, but it is lacking in a well defined niche.

Ultra League
3 / 5

The Level 50 update has let Meganium actually reach 2500 CP, making it significantly stronger than before in the Ultra League. Unfortunately, the aforementioned Great League Grass-type competitors are also present in the Ultra League, making it difficult to justify using Meganium. In addition, the Legendary Pokemon Virizion adds further competition.

Master League0 / 5

Meganium's low max CP makes it completely noncompetitive in the Master League.

Purification Cost
3 Candy + 3,000 Stardust
Flee Rate
5 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
5 %
Female Ratio
12.5 %
Male Ratio
87.5 %