
Shadow Gothitelle

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

the Shadow boost improves Shadow Gothitelle.... but it still has less Attack than Abra, for context. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

ConfusionConfusion + PsychicPsychicBest
  • Confusion is the offensive Fast Move of choice, out-playing Charm on every relevant front.
  • Psychic is the Charged Move of choice, while Future Sight is a pretty poor runner-up.
  • Rock Slide is an easy skip.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

CharmCharm or ConfusionConfusion + Rock SlideRock Slide or PsychicPsychicBest
  • Charm and Confusion are both good on Defense. The latter is stronger here due to STAB, but both have their use depending on your Charged Move choice.
  • Rock Slide works with either Fast Move.
  • Psychic works well with Charm
  • Future Sight is a pass.

PvP Analysis

ConfusionConfusion + Rock SlideRock Slide and PsychicPsychicBest

Confusion provides superior energy gains and hits quite hard with STAB. Charm has pitiful energy generation, but offers niche typing coverage. 

Rock Slide costs the least amount of energy, provides wide coverage, and is overall a solid and efficient move. Psychic and Future Sight are the only other options available; the former costs 10 less energy while the latter deals considerably more damage. 

Great League1.5 / 5

Gothitelle sports decent bulk as a Psychic-type, but struggles to compete against the various other Psychic-types in this league. Access to Rock Slide and Charm are unfortunately the only two major selling points, which aren't really significant enough for Gothitelle to stand out in the meta. Restricted PvP formats may give it a niche at best, but it's definitely not the first pick when it comes to building a team in open formats. 

Ultra League2 / 5

With a max CP of 2735, Gothitelle maxes not too far from the cap of Ultra League, which makes it rather expensive to use. Wins against certain anti-meta picks don't necessarily justify its losses against the main meta Pokemon in this league however, which puts Gothitelle in a niche role. 

Master League0 / 5

Gothitelle doesn't have the stats for Master League. 

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
10 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
10 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio