
Shadow Cacturne

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Shadow Cacturne definitely exists. It can pull its weight as a Dark Type attacker, hitting for a solid amount of damage, and can be useful in raids where its Grass typing comes in handy in particular. However, it's really not worth the steep investment to max out for most players.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Sucker PunchSucker Punch + Dark PulseDark PulseBest
  • You almost always want Sucker Punch in any situation that you’d use Shadow Cacturne.
  • Sand Attack and Poison Jab are good, but not really on Shadow Cacturne. 
  • Dark Pulse shares typing with Sucker Punch to make a decent Dark-type moveset.
  • Payback is a step down.
  • Grass Knot is one of the better generally available charge moves in the game, compensating for lack of fast move synergy.
  • Trailblaze is basically Grass Knot but worse.
  • Dynamic Punch is great, but best left to Fighting-types.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

  • Poison Jab slightly outdamages Sucker Punch, but the latter gains energy faster.
  • Sand Atack falls behind on Defense.
  • Dark Pulse and Grass Knot both get STAB, but are more likely to be resisted by many attackers.
  • Trailblaze is basically Grass Knot but worse.
  • Dynamic Punch is less likely to be resisted and has wide coverage. 
  • Payback is undesirable for defense due to it being a 1-bar move. 

PvP Analysis

Sucker Punch is the preferred Fast Attack, boasting STAB and the highest damage output compared to its other Fast Attacks while still having above energy generation.

Trailblaze is Cacturne's lowest cost Charged Attack; it also benefits from STAB, does decent damage, and boosts Cacturne's Attack after each use. Dark Pulse can help increase the reliability of Cacturne's Dark-type damage, while Dynamic Punch offers improved coverage against Steel-, Normal-, Ice-, and Dark-type Pokemon. Payback is too expensive.

Great League3.5 / 5

Cacturne is a terrifying glass cannon sweeper. Thanks to Sucker Punch's consistent and high damage output combined with boosts from Trailblaze, Cacturne can easily flatten teams. Its severe frailty means that it is highly reliant on its resistances and shields to really get going. Though its typing does suffer from many weaknesses, it has plenty of notable resistances as well. Most notably, Cacturne's resistances to Ground, Water, Dark, and Ghost will let it find play against many Great League threats. Shadow Cacturne is the preferred variant to further push its offensive prowess further.

As with many glass cannons, strong Fast Attack pressure is Cacturne's bane as it cannot protect itself with shields. Its typing unfortunately does mean that there are plenty of Fast Attacks that can shred through it.

Ultra League3.5 / 5

Cacturne more or less does the same thing that it does in Great League; clean up teams with Sucker Punch and Trailblaze. It's more bulky but it's still incredibly fragile, so its need for shields still remains. The presence of Giratina offers an additional target, but Cacturne also has to deal with Virizion and Cobalion hard countering it.

Master League0 / 5

Cacturne is entirely outclassed in the Master League.

Purification Cost
3 Candy + 3,000 Stardust
Flee Rate
6 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
20 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %