
PvE Analysis
Morpeko uniquely cannot be used in raids or gyms. It also cannot be placed in gyms. While we don't know the official reason for this, we suspect that PvE may not fully support its unique in-battle Form Change mechanic.
PvP Analysis
In Battle Form Change: Whenever Morpeko uses a Charged Attack, it changes its Form. If it is currently in its Full Belly Mode, it will change into its Hangry Mode form, and vice versa. The Form that Morpeko currently takes determines the type of its signature Charged Attack, Aura Wheel; Full Belly Mode = Electric, Hangry Mode = Dark.
Morpeko starts the battle in its Full Belly Mode. Whenever Morpeko is switched out, it returns to its Full Belly Mode regardless of what Form it is in.
Thunder Shock + Aura Wheel and Psychic Fangs |
Thunder Shock provides Morpeko is immense energy gains, allowing it to rapidly charge up its extremely potent Aura Wheel. Though Bite deals good damage, its abysmal energy generation does not synergize with Morpeko's amazing Charged Attacks
Aura Wheel is the reason to use Morpeko; not only does the move possess the same power and energy cost as the already extremely impressive Frenzy Plant, it also offers a guaranteed Attack boost. Psychic Fangs can act as a bait move and offers coverage against Clodsire. Seed Bomb can punish Ground-type Pokemon whenever Morpeko is in Full Belly Mode, though its DPE is mediocre at best. Outrage is often too expensive for serious use.
Great League | 4 / 5 | |
Morpeko is a TERRIFYING glass cannon thanks to the rapid pacing of its powerful Aura Wheel. Morpeko gets stronger after each use too, which can easily allow Aura Wheel to delete opponents even when its current type doesn't appear favorable. Combine that with some Psychic Fangs bait games and Morpeko has even greater potency. Look for ways to create a shield advantage, because Morpeko can clean up games better than just about any Pokemon.Despite Morpeko's potency, however, it's important to keep in mind its frailty - it's more fragile than even Pangoro, an already glassy Pokemon. Strong Fast Attack pressure can easily remove Morpeko, bypassing shield investments, so beware of Pokemon such as Annihilape, Gastrodon, Shadow Marowak, and Wigglytuff. Additionally, while Aura Wheel's shifting type grants Morpeko flexibility, it can also prove to be a weakness. Ground-type Pokemon will wall Morpeko in its Full Belly Mode, while bulky Dark-resisting Pokemon such as Azumarill or Mandibuzz can tank Aura Wheel while Morpeko is in its Hangry Mode. | ||
Ultra League | 1 / 5 | |
Morpeko doesn't come close to the Ultra League CP cap even at Level 50. Its explosive moveset can still allow it to deal heavy damage at times, but it's no more than a gimmick in this league. | ||
Master League | 0 / 5 | |
This rodent does not belong in the Master League. |