Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

With every passing generation, Kingdra slips deeper and deeper into obscurity, often wondering what would have been. Maybe a better moveset? Or a more favorable CP calculation? Regardless, it now seems that Kingdra is unlikely to ever rise in the PvE meta to any meaningful degree.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Waterfall + Hydro PumpBest
Dragon Breath + OutrageBest
  • Waterfall slightly edges out Water Gun. Either should be paired with Hydro Pump for Water-type offense.

  • Dragon Breath and Outrage make up Kingdra’s novelty Dragon-type attacking set.

  • Blizzard, though it lacks STAB, outdamages Outrage if hitting a target with a double weakness to Ice.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Waterfall + Octazooka or OutrageBest
  • Waterfall is preferred for its high base damage.

  • Hydro Pump is slightly favored over Blizzard due to its raw power and incredibly early damage window.

  • Outrage and Octazooka are Kingdra's 2-bar moves. The former is extremely strong but is easy to dodge. The latter is fairly weak, but it has an early damage window.

PvP Analysis

Dragon Breath + Outrage and Octazooka

Ever since PvP came out Dragon Breath has become one of the most popular fast moves due to its high damage output, and Kingdra benefits from it. Outrage is almost always preferred on Kingdra due to the cheaper energy cost compared to Hydro Pump and Blizzard, and the vastly unresisted damage. The most recent addition, Octazooka, is a staple as Kingdra's cheaper charged move (50 Energy against Outrage's 60) and the amazing 50% chance to debuff opponents' Attack stat by 2 stages at each use! That pairs perfectly with the aggressive fast move damage, which can easily overwhelm debuffed opponents; the combination is what makes Kingdra truly shine.

Great League 3 / 5

A Dragon/Water typing is excellent for PvP due to only having two weaknesses, one of which Kingdra can also fight back against (Dragon). Kingdra mainly relies on Dragon Breath damage, and now has a cheaper charged move in Octazooka to complement the powerful, but very slow Outrage. Overall, Kingdra is a valid niche pick in open League play that can perform extremely well in GBL cups.

Ultra League 3.5 / 5

Being closer to its max CP, Kingdra is best suited for Ultra League, while still maintaining most of its pros and cons from Great. There are surely more dominant dragons here, but Kingdra can hold its own quite well against them

Master League0 / 5

Kingdra doesn't have sufficient stats to compete in Master League. Just use Palkia

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
5 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
10 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %