Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Without abilities or status moves, Gliscor’s utility in the main games didn’t translate well in GO, as a combination of low Attack and bad moves prevents it from having any offensive purpose. It can make for a decent gym defender, capable of slowing down Machamp and harassing them with its Flying-type moves, but it will fall like a fly [scorpion] to anything remotely chilly.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Wing Attack + Aerial AceBest
  • Wing Attack + Aerial Ace is Gliscor’s only STAB moveset.

  • Fury Cutter also performs well, due to its quick energy generation.

  • Earthquake and especially Night Slash are underwhelming.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Wing Attack + Aerial AceBest
  • Wing Attack is far better defensively than the weak Fury Cutter.

  • Aerial Ace and Night Slash are similar, but the former is stronger.

  • Earthquake is too slow to pose any real threat.

PvP Analysis

Wing Attack + Night Slash or Aerial Ace and Earthquake

Wing Attack benefits from STAB and is preferred over Fury Cutter.

Earthquake can deal huge damage with STAB, offers wide coverage, and it's a must as the only truly hard-hitting move available to Gliscor.

Night Slash is valuable for the speed, only requiring 35 Energy, as well as the Dark-type coverage and the 12.5% chance to buff Gliscor's Attack stat by 2 stages at each use. Aerial Ace benefits from STAB and is also cheap to use. Sand Tomb deals pathetic damage, but its utility is to debuff the opponent's Defense stat and baiting shields.

With a max CP of 2692, Gliscor lacks sufficient stats to perform well in Master League. However, the key coverage mentioned above impressively makes it a viable option here too.

Great League3 / 5

Gliscor is a very interesting Pokemon in PvP, and a difficult one to use. A high Defense stat gives it good bulk, while its Flying/Ground typing causes it to only have two weaknesses (including a double weakness to Ice). Gliscor's moveset isn't anything too spectacular, but access to the powerful Earthquake makes it valuable against Steel tanks. The struggle of navigating around ubiquitous Water Pokemon is, however, a major issue for the flying scorpion, which often has to shield bait with its cheaper charged moves to land Earthquake, reiterating the difficulty surrounding its use. Overall an underused pick that can definitely catch opponents by surprise, but not without major drawbacks limiting its overall performance. 

Gligar is preferred over Gliscor in the Great League as it has greater bulk and a more reliable Ground-type attack in Dig.

Ultra League4 / 5
Gliscor fares far better in the Ultra League without Gligar being around to outclass it. Its fantastic typing and good moveset gives it plenty of play against just about anything as long as it can avoid Ice-type Pokemon. Though its Earthquake remains somewhat unreliable, Gliscor appreciates the increased bulk in the Ultra League, which helps improve the consistency at which it can reach the move. Access to Night Slash lets it greatly pressure the omnipresent Giratina.
Master League0 / 5
Use Landorus-T instead
Purification Cost
5 Candy + 5,000 Stardust
Second Charge Move Cost
75,000 Stardust + 75 Candy
Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %