Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Cetitan is a rather unique take on the whale-Pokemon design. We've seen whales before, but Cetitan takes it to the land, where it climbs the icy mountains that it calls home. However, its icy lifestyle didn't really translate well into Pokemon Go, as it takes a page from the Chansey/Blissey playbook in terms of stats; low defense and titanic HP to make up its defensive base. And while Cetitan dwarfs the previously mentioned Pokemon in terms of Attack, it's still definitely not enough to allow it to carve out its own unique niche.

That said, in the main series it's currently the only Pokemon that can learn the move Ice Spinner via level up, so maybe it can see a brighter future with this pseudo-signature move?

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

  • Ice Shard and Powder Snow have nearly identical performance in most cases, though Powder Snow's higher energy gains and slightly shorter animation make it slightly more dodge-friendly.
  • Regardless of which Fast Move you pick, Avalanche is the Charged Move of choice for offense.
  • Tackle, Body Slam, and Heavy Slam are all pretty much worthless for an offensive Cetitan.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

  • Ice Shard out-paces Powder Snow and Tackle easily on defense.
  • Body Slam comes out fast and frequently, and has solid neutral coverage.
  • Heavy Slam is a lesser option, but it can be useful for taking down opposing Ice or Rock Types.
  • Avalanche is strong, but using it alongside Ice Shard can be an issue as it leaves Cetitan a bit easier to wall with select Pokemon that may resist Ice, but not Normal.

PvP Analysis

Powder Snow is a great Fast Attack, providing high energy generation and decent damage. Ice Shard offers more balanced parameters, but the extra damage it deals compared to Powder Snow is not worth the significant amount of energy generation loss. Tackle is outclassed.

Avalanche is one of the best Charged Attacks in PvP and benefits from Cetitan's STAB. Body Slam is another excellent move, being incredibly cheap and providing good damage for its cost; it also provides some coverage against Fire- and Water-type opponents. Heavy Slam is useless outside of nailing certain Pokemon with double weakness to Steel.

Great League3 / 5

Mono Ice isn't a particularly amazing typing, but Cetitan can make it work thanks to its incredible moves. However, it does have stiff competition from other Ice-type Pokemon such as Froslass, Dewgong, and Alolan Sandslash, all of which possess useful secondary typings and greater overall coverage. Cetitan is also slightly outclassed by its pre-evolution, Cetoddle, as an XL Cetoddle has a slightly higher stat product than Cetitan.

Ultra League3 / 5

Less Froslass and Dewgong lets Cetitan shine a bit more here, but its inability to threaten Steel-type Pokemon remains a large issue when Pokemon such as Registeel, Cobalion, and Alolan Sandslash can easily wall it.

Master League3.5 / 5

Cetitan is at its strongest in the Master League, taking advantage of an environment filled with Ground-, Dragon-, and Flying-type Pokemon. Additionally, it no longer has to deal with Alolan Sandslash. However, Cetitan does instead have to contend with Hisuian Avalugg being a superior Ice-type choice. Hisuian Avalugg possesses superior stats and invaluable coverage against Ho-Oh, and it also hard counters Cetitan.

Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %