Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Passimian isn't terrible, but it's competing in one of the harsher meta-types in the game, and it just can't keep up. Best to pass the ball to a better Fighting Type.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Counter + SuperpowerBest
  • Counter is the best option for an attacking Passimian, as one of the best Fighting Type Fast Moves in the game.
  • Rock Smash and Take Down are objectively inferior.
  • Brutal Swing is the Charged Move of choice, coming out frequently and covering Psychic and Ghost Types.
  • Superpower a good move option, sporting the highest average DPS and a very reasonable 2-bars to use.
  • Close Combat and Brick Break fall short.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Rock Smash or Take Down + Brick Break or SuperpowerBest
  • On Defense, it's a toss-up between Rock Smash and Take Down. The former boasts great damage-output when used defensively, while the latter provides off-type coverage to match Passimian's Charged Moves, making it a bit less of a sitting duck against anything that resists Fighting.
  • Counter is good, but ultimately inferior.
  • Brick Break offers the flexibility of 3-bars and a very early damage window, making it the defensive Charged Move of choice.
  • Superpower has higher damage output on paper, but it comes out less frequently and is substantially easier to dodge.
  • Close Combat doesn't have anything that allows it to really stand out on defense.

PvP Analysis

Counter + Brick Break and Close Combat

A bit of a classic moveset archetype on paper, we have Counter as an objectively great Fast Move, Brick Break as a low-energy move to quickly assail the other guy and bait out shields, and Close Combat as the big, hard-hitting move. It's just a shame that Passimian has no real coverage.

Great League1 / 5

Passimian isn't super-well built for PvP, and its mono-Fighting moveset leaves it very easily walled.

Ultra League0 / 5

Life gets harder for Passimian as the power of the meta rises.

Master League0 / 5

Passimian is officially dragon-food here.

Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %