
PvE Analysis
Chatot is a southern hemisphere regional Pokemon, and that's basically the only reason to obtain it. Its limited stats and poor moves does it no favors in the meta, but don't let that stop you if Chatot's your favorite Pokemon.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Peck + Sky Attack | Best |
- Peck is the better charge move for offense thanks to STAB and typing synergy.
- Steel Wing isn't that great for attacking.
- Sky Attack benefits from STAB and pairs well for a Flying-type role.
- Night Shade has no use.
- Heat Wave is bad.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Steel Wing + Sky Attack | Best |
- Steel Wing can hurt Ice and Rock attackers, which makes it better for defense.
- Peck is more likely to be resisted by attackers.
- Sky Attack is the best Charge Move on defense overall, with a good mix of power and accessibility.
- Night Shade doesn't get STAB and is less powerful, but is the least likely to be resisted.
- Heat Wave threatens Ice-type attackers, if Chatot hasn't fainted by then.
PvP Analysis
Steel Wing + Sky Attack and Heat Wave |
Steel Wing is considerably better than Peck despite lacking STAB. It also provides coverage against Rock- and Ice-type Pokemon
Sky Attack is the primary (and arguably only) charge move that Chatot needs due to its lesser energy cost than other options, and STAB. Night Shade and Heat Wave are both very poor moves; the former costs less energy than the latter, while the latter threatens Steel and Ice Pokemon if Chatot hasn't fainted by then.
Great League | |
Chatot isn't the only Pokemon that sports a Normal/Flying typing, but it definitely displays some of the worst performances in the game due to its poor moveset and unimpressive bulk. Its losses against various Pokemon even when given a typing advantage discourages its use. | |
Ultra League | |
Chatot's max CP can't reach the CP cap of Ultra League, even at level 50. Consider other Pokemon instead. | |
Master League | |
Singing is a great way to pass time, and probably a better idea than feeding dragons. |