Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

As one of the most iconic Pokemon of all time, does Charizard live up to the hype? With Power Creep over the years, Charizard has steadily dropped in terms of viability and absolute power, and has become a bit of an obsolete Fire Type attacker overall in the face of powerful Legendaries, Mega Evolutions, and Shadows. That said, it's still near the top of the non-legendary/non-shadow Fire Type list, and it's definitely worth raising one with Blast Burn Mega Charizard Y, and/or one with Dragon Breath for Mega Charizard X.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Fire Spin + Blast Burn* 
Fire Spin + OverheatGood
  • Fire Spin is Charizard’s best fast move and strictly superior to Ember.

  • Wing Attack* is preferable to Air Slash and equal to Fire Spin if both have the same effectiveness.

  • Blast Burn makes Charizard a great Fire Type attacker.

  • Overheat is Charizard's best non-exclusive charged move and beats Fire Blast soundly.

  • Flamethrower has less cycle DPS than Overheat and is just a worse Blast Burn, but has advantages due to multiple charge bars.

  • Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw can work as a pseudo-dragon attacker, and are only useful for preparing a Mega Charizard X.
  • Return has no purposes on offensive Charizard.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Air Slash or Fire Spin + Dragon Claw
Air Slash + Blast BurnBest
  • Attackers may be inclined to throw Water-types at Charizard, in which case Air Slash edges out Fire Spin. 

  • Ember and Wing Attack are worse versions of Fire Spin and Air Slash, respectively.

  • Dragon Claw is the preferred charge move due its early damage window, wide neutral coverage, neutral damage to Rock Types, and 3 bars.

  • Return is inferior in terms of damage, but is much harder to dodge. 

  • Flamethrower is a decent alternative, but Blast Burn is decisively better.

  • Fire Blast and Overheat are poor due to their late damage windows and charge time.
  • Dragon Breath is inferior on defense.

PvP Analysis

Fire Spin + Blast Burn* and Dragon Claw

Fire Spin is generally the preferred Fast Attack due to having superior parameters compared to its other options. Wing Attack was once Charizard's Fast Attack of choice, but it is relegated to being a niche option since its nerf on September 2024. Dragon Breath provides excellent damage and gives Charizard a better matchup against opposing Dragon-type Pokemon, but its moderate energy generation can make it difficult for Charizard to reach its powerful Blast Burn. Air Slash is just worse than Wing Attack, while Ember is worse than Fire Spin.

Blast Burn is a limited move obtained through Community Day events, but it's mandatory for optimal usage of Charizard. An incredible 2.2 DPE (Damage Per Energy) rating allows Charizard to output huge amounts of damage without paying high energy costs. Even when resisted, Blast Burn would still have a greater DPE value than neutral Dragon Claw, but not when it would be doubly resisted. Dragon Claw is recommended for its cheaper energy cost and Dragon-type coverage. The update to Overheat following the Dec 2019 rebalance makes it a decent choice if Blast Burn is unavailable, but a significant self debuff of -2 ATK makes it more risky and less reliable. Fire Blast costs too much energy, and Flamethrower is a direct downgrade of Blast Burn. 

Great League3 / 5

A fan-favorite from other Pokemon games, Charizard first gained popularity in PvP during the Silph Arena's Kingdom Cup. Many years have passed since then, and Charizard has had its moments now and then in competitive play. As a glass cannon with useful resistances and highly potent Charged Attacks, Charizard was a risky pick, but it cleaved through teams in certain metagames when properly protected by shields. Most notably, Shadow Charizard took 1st and 2nd place at the 2023 Pokemon GO North America International Championships.

With the nerf to Wing Attack, competing Fire-type options, and a generally hostile environment, Charizard currently does not fare well in the Great League. It may return to stardom one day, though, so keep an eye out!

Ultra League3 / 5

Charizard's devastating moveset allows it to perform well in the Ultra League, shredding even the sturdiest Pokemon with repeated Blast Burns. Risky vulnerabilities and unspectacular bulk are still major problems for Charizard though. Access to Dragon-type moves is valuable against popular Dragon-types like Giratina.  

The Wing Attack nerf has tamed Charizard considerably. It also competes with other Fire-type options such as Talonflame and Skeledirge.

Master League 2 / 5

Charizard lacks sufficient stats to perform well in Master League. Unspectacular energy gains often make Charizard too slow to keep up with Pokemon with faster movesets, not to mention numerous losses against Pokemon with legendary stats and common Dragon-types, despite access to Dragon-type moves.

Purification Cost
3 Candy + 3,000 Stardust
Second Charge Move Cost
10,000 Stardust + 25 Candy
Flee Rate
5 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
5 %
Female Ratio
12.5 %
Male Ratio
87.5 %