
Anyone else having atrocious luck?

So the shiny rate is *supposedly* boosted for this weekend...or so I thought. My wife and I spent hours upon hours today searching for shinies and only found two each. TWO. And mine were both Cyndaquil... *gag* During other community day events, I've been able to find two shinies within minutes, not hours. What is up with this? I have been planning and hoping for weeks now to catch up on all the community days I missed, since I am a pretty new player, and now I'm not going to be able to get my shinies. I refuse to waste my valuable time on a stupid company like Niantic searching for something that just isn't out there. Anyone else having the same problem finding shinies, or does RNG just hate my guts?

EDIT: I should note that after one and a half days of searching, I have come up with at least one of each of the eleven available shinies except for Charmander and Mareep. It's kind of annoying, since Charmander is my favorite of the bunch, but other than that I am not too upset with my odds. It did take most of the day to get that many shinies, though, including the three-hour bonus window (for which I had to cancel some prior plans). Overall, I am satisfied that the shiny rate is boosted, even though it isn't up to regular community day levels. Sorry for being so negative before - I was really upset after feeling like I wasted a bunch of hours looking for shinies that weren't there.

Asked by GigaBowserX5 years 5 months ago


by aSp 5 years 5 months ago

The rates during the whole weekend are likely different to the rates during the specific 3 hour CD window.
I suspect that 3 hour window will have the greater chances, with the rest of the weekend somewhat boosted.

Just the way I think it will happen...

If that is the case, a couple of shinies so far could be a good haul.


Yeah, I was afraid that might be the case, because I have obligations during the 3-hour window that I can't get out of. I didn't want to miss out on that time, but it looks like there isn't any other way for me.

I did see a post somewhere where someone had written to Niantic Support asking about the shiny rate for this weekend, and they answered back saying that it would be boosted for the whole weekend, not just the 3-hour window. That could be misinformation on Niantic's part, though. I was really hoping to catch a whole bunch of shinies, but...even if I was free during those 3 hours, that's barely any time to try to catch multiples of ELEVEN different shiny variants. :(


by Hyliix 5 years 5 months ago

Have just played about an hour, maybe 1:15 on the event; got 3 shinies: a beldum, a cyndaquil and a Bulbasaur. I would say it's pretty much the same rate I usually get on CDs. Still I imagine the boost isn't as high as it usually is, probably during the 3-hour bonus window more will appear.


How many c-day pokemon have you caught so far?
My current shiny rate is roughly 0/100 catches so far


You mean non-shiny? A whole bunch, but I have also been surprised at how many spawns have stayed the same rather than changing to community day ones.


Sorry, ya I meant out of roughly 100 c-day pokemon I have caught so far 0 have been shiny.


Oh okay, that makes more sense. I guess I can count myself lucky since I caught two shinies out of about 300 encounters. I was expecting a lot more than that, though...


6 hours. Caught only one shiny charmander out of 250 pokemons, lower than I thought to be. Maybe I am not lucky enough.


From what I've heard now, 1 out of 250 probably isn't bad for the low rate Niantic set the spawns at.


Nowhere did Niantic say we were going to get a community day spawn rate or that we were going to see a huge boost in shiny Pokémon for the entire weekend.... it’s a chance for us to evolve a Pokémon and get its community day exclusive move and get some extra candy on some rare spawns .. seriously that’s pretty much an awesome event.... I simply don’t understand how people looked at the official announcements and thought everyone was going to walk away with 12 maxed T-tars, 12 Metagross and half dozen each of frenzy plant Venusaur and Blast Burn Charizard and 30 plus shiny.... It just wasn’t going to happen... it wasn’t even remotely suggested it was going to happen.... I sorry to be so harsh, but frankly I’m sick and tired of people complaining about what is actually a very good event because that are not being handed the amount shiny Pokémon and spawns they somehow think they are entitled to


Well, I'm not asking for 30+ shiny, but I WAS looking forward to getting more than just a couple. I'm a new player so I missed out on almost all the community days. This was going to be my chance to catch up on the shinies I missed. But I do see your point. I guess they wanted to reward the people who actually did all the community days rather than handing out shinies on a platter to everyone who missed out on them. Seems Niantic likes to keep legacy things legacy, such as Shadow Ball Mewtwo and stuff like that. Kind of annoying, but I understand the logic behind it.


What do we have easier? The existence of raids to gain xp? Shiny rates? I don't know what you mean.


Played for a few hours tonight and ended up with 5 shinies (2 Dratini, 2 Pikachu, 1 Beldum). The people I was playing with and others reporting in on Discord had similar luck, with most averaging ~3 shinies from tonight alone.

This tells me that the rates are certainly boosted compared to the typical odds of finding a shiny, but not quite to the levels we're used to from prior CDs. My guess is that the rates may go up during the 3hr window tomorrow though.

Either way, the shiny odds are still good. And since we have the entire weekend to hunt them, people have fairly good odds of snagging some good ones.


Oh they are boosted alright, just not as high as they have been in the past. I played almost 8 hours today and I have caught one shiny of each except chikorita. Everything in the low IV range tho, except for a weather boosted 96% charmander and a 98% larvitar


Man, I am jealous of that 96% Charmander! I've been able to find at least one shiny of each except for Charmander and Mareep. At least I found someone willing to trade me a shiny Charmander, so I'm mostly looking for more of him as well as Mareep at this point. I wouldn't mind finding another one or two Dratini, either.


I caught 1 shiny (Larvitar) in 3 hours (1 hour in the bonus window). Then I lured a stop near my place for a hall hour and caught 2 more.

To me it seems boosted but not cd type odds. Maybe closer to 1/120?


Yeah that's about what it seems like. I'm pretty sure I've checked around 100 Charmander and not found a shiny yet, so fingers crossed that the next 20 or so yield one!


Hunted for 90 minutes yesterday, just after event started, 60 of which was with two pals. Combined, we all caught 1 shiny (Andy, a Beldum with bad IVs.) So your luck isn't that bad, maybe.
