
So the CP rebalance was just a scheme to make us happy.

It doesn't help actually. Gyms are actually very easy to take down, but the real issue that annoys many gym attackers is the *GOLDEN RAZZ BERRY*. If GRBs are factored into a gym battle then even a Rattata would be enough to stall an army of Machamps. If Niantic doesn't nerf the GRB in any way, no matter how much Blissey is nerfed, the gym meta wouldn't change in any way.

Asked by TheKyogre5 years 5 months ago


by aSp 5 years 5 months ago

Where is this place that every gym and every defender is GRB'd for eternity, making it impossible for gyms to change hands?


Except all I hear is that people cant stay in HK/Singapore gyms and thereby cannot get coins.


You do know GRBs were nerfed recently, last October the GRB raid drops was substantially lowered.


Jeez, after the towers came down, the only challenge left in gyms was hurdling the Blissey wall. If a g razz defense was happening, the challenge was to bring it down befoe the 30 minute counter.

Now Blissey is nerfed to the point of juts being annoyance (12 minutes to go through ten berries... wtf?) and now you want to take away the ability to defend with g razz? (Not so much a defense as a plea to leave alone)

You know what? Let’s juts completely remove the gym meta and juts make it so that one can walk up to a gym and juts press a button and, voila, team change!



Right?? Seriously. “Gyms” (I put these “gyms” in quotes because they’re hardly a workout) are a total joke right now. Before you know it, all you’ll have to do is tap on the “gyms” and they’ll clear out for you! Lol Remember when it took an hour or 2 to take the actually gyms down and now people go all “mr-ex777” when they have to battle a “gym” for more than 5 minutes! 😭 Besides, it’s super easy to take down golden razzberry-ers (like a walk in the park compared to the original gyms) and encourages team play (or at least a friend or 2) which Niantic is all about. Besides, it’s actually kind of fun to battle a full health Pokémon every once in awhile instead of just what feels like you’re battling pidgeys... boring.... I think they need to redo these “gyms” and have the daily pokecoins separate from them and maybe earned through like research or something else.

*Also, I personally think it would be cool to have a spot or 2 for a legendary/s in gyms 🤞


Actually... having each gym have one reserved & dedicated "legendary" slot would be pretty damn cool. Maybe make the legendary a sort of final boss which you only have to fight once after you cleared out the rest of the gym in order to flip it? idk.
Still, that's a really cool idea.


Gym system is bad. I don't know if it can be fixed so hardcore players can have high efficiency due to their dedication and knowledge, while casuals and low levels can still take out a gym.

I believe GRB should be eligible once per pokemon when remote feeding. I'm fine with someone feeding GRBs if he is physically there.

If the battle mechanics don't change, I think I would like to see a rework in potions-revives (in addition to GRB). If the healing items drop rate was nerfed to oblivion then people would actually care to switch Pokemon and use counters. Leaving a pidgey defending a gym means neither you nor the opponent wastes any potions; leaving a Togekiss costs healing items for both. It would be kind of an attrition war between the teams. Right now, someone can stockpile 500 max revives pretty easily... it's pointless

Of course a rework like that requires raids to be made completely unrelated to potions, having all your pokemon available for raid battles regardless of their actual health. Also it would probably make Gyms spoofer's paradise. Dunno. I'd like to see any change at all, really. Anything that can make gym battles less boring/pointless


I agree mostlybwith your points but a recent visit to a Virginia suburb made me see things from a rural players perspective and I have to admit that their woes regarding low supplies are well justified... some players already experience potion dearth.

But overall, I agree with most of what you’re saying. While I might have come across as being a bit elitist in my statement above, I do agree that there has to be balance where casuals (I don’t use that term in a derogatory way, btw... having a life is good) feel incentivized to participate, as well. More the merrier!

I kind of felt that prior to the Blissey nerf and maybe even after it, the balance is ok. To make the gym meta easier seems a bit of overkill to me...


Well it is tougher for rural players, but rural players would be competing with other rural players. Potions would be low on both sides. On the other hand, I bet they would benefit a lot from potions becoming a gym-only thing cause they wouldn't have to worry about them for raids.

I want Niantic to give me a good reason not to defend gyms with pidgeys. Right now defeating a gym requires 1)your time 2) your presence at the gym. The ONLY thing affecting these is remote GRB (wasting your time). That's kinda unrelated to the defender. There really should be a third requirement that gives you a reason to defend with good defenders and to attack with proper counters (it could be anything, but potions and revives are the easiest/obvious one)


The effectiveness of the GRB is greatly related to the defender. A Blissey even after rebalance should take about 15 minutes to kick out through 10 GRB. A Tyranitar, even maxed, will go down in less than 10 minutes. A Pidgey will take 5 minutes, most of which is loading screens.

A well stacked gym without any feeding will take longer to take down than one Pidgey that's fed 10 GRB, so I don't think it can be said that only GRB matter. Only wasting time matters, and GRB is the main component of it, but it amplifies the timewasting ability of the defending lineup rather than replacing it.


You are right, "kinda unrelated" was an exaggeration. My point is that feeding GRB to a Machamp or a Blastoise will still be wasting the attackers time (obviously less effective than feeding a Blissey). I don't think wasting your opponent's time is the way gym defense should work, be it 5 minutes or 15.

I personally wouldn't even waste the 5 minutes of loading screens to defeat the pidgey. Also my phone is slow, so it could be a bit more than that :P


by hkn 5 years 5 months ago

I would rather nerf GRBs and make the gym battles more challenging. A good defender should hit like a truck so exploiting type advantage becomes more important.


Another fair point. Maybe even have an algorithm where the defender can even dodge and actually battle like an attacker! That would be cool. A dragonite that actually fights back instead of going through the motions is pretty frightening...


I guess the cp rebalance must have something to do with pvp, I can't think it has anything to do with making Blissey easier for gyms, it wasn't hard to start with. The gym system needs a complete overhaul but good luck to them coming up with something that suits HK & Singapore while keeping less active areas happy. The whole concept of GR feeding is complete garbage, as is a pidgey lasting longer than a demotivated Blissey. Gyms need to be entertaining, rewarding, fair & not take up half your day doing them. A pretty impossible task & probably why we still have what we have now.


The current gym system caters to casuals, but I think it was designed to disincentive spoofers. Think about the old system. Spoofers were like gods overseeing their kingdom of 10 gyms from their couch. They need another? Get the bots to Bubble-strat the gym up so they can dump their Blissey and Tyranitar. Build a high enough tower and no one will touch it because there's no point.

Now? There's no point in possessing gyms for eternity. You can monitor all of our gyms from our couches and defend them by legitimate means (GRB). You can't maintain then forever, but you generally don't want to hold them forever. Yes, the system is more casual friendly, but it also makes spoofing less profitable, which is the only way to make spoofing go away.

The point is, don't take away the GRB because it puts legitimate players on a more level playing field with spoofers.


Except there ARE people that keep gyms for very long. Maybe they hold lots of gyms, already reached the 50 coins cap and want to hold the other ones for the day after? I don't know, but gym holding is a thing.


There's a medal for how long you've sat at gyms in total and defending time also shows on the gym badge. I know people who care about either or both of these factors.


False, a rattata is not sufficient to hold a gym. Not now, not ever. If you can't outperform a defending rattata in battle with "an army of Machamp," then that's on you.


Just bring the old system and mixed it with new gym system
No Berry, 10 pokemon but no same pokemon like the new one, no 3 times battling same pokemon
Keep the reward system like the new one.
The term casual cannot play in gyms is misleading, they should strenghtening their counter to a decent level.
I am a semi rural myself, only 3 gym in my area, and i still doing well in the old gym battling vs the wall of Blissey and such.i am actually get more coin in the old system, i admit i am using gymhuntr ( the only 3rd parties tool that i am using) back in the day searching for a gym that quite low in activity
I aggre with suggestion that getting a coin should not from gym defense only, but for attacking also. Just keep the max coin as it is


Calling it a "scheme" seems a bit cynical. That aside, I agree that GRBs need a nerf. I was fighting a couple and their 4 alts for an hour when they weren't even there. I eventually gave up because I couldn't even take out a single pokemon.


Scheme? It's just filth to be honest. It's not even a scheme. Let me tell you everyone has at least 2 and at most 10 to 15 accounts and each can feed 10 berries to a pokemon. Then they can easily mow your pokemon down and add their own pokemon, then if you try to take them down try as hard as you can even with 150000 people attacking the gym they instantly bounce from 1 to 6.

This is not how gaming design works, this is just filth and a death hell for players and Niantic should have their dev rights transferred to more competent companies.

A defender should only be able to be fed 3 grbs before they are knocked out.


Overall, the defenders should be buffed.

Currently it is 2x HP for defenders, make it 3 times.

Weigh attack stat in some way, like give a 15% HP boost to any defender with an attack stat over 250.

Up the DPS of defenders by speeding up the attack pattern.

Reduce motivation decay to one third loss overall.

Scale HP according to number of people fighting. Give a 40% increase for each attacker after the first one.

No ideas for GRB. Maybe reduce the effect after the first 3 thrown.

I would be interested in knowing how this would play out.


by Kazlu 5 years 5 months ago

GRB feeding is already a patch to a weird system, we don't need to patch a patch, we need to change the system.

But that doesn't need to be a complete overhaul. What's annoying is having to spend so much time just to place a defender and earn a few coins. Instead of rewarding TIME spent on a gym, we could be rewarded for actual battle performance, aka BATTLE VICTORIES. Keep the 50 coin per day cap. Say you gain 10 coin per battle won (or 5, whatever). If you just want your coins, win 5 battles and go away. But if you want to control the gym (gold badge, damage balls, more items per spin, etc.) then that can require more efforts. But I still don't think it should reward time, just performance. A little increase of the defenders battle system and you could have conpetitive matchups between attackers and defenders, rewarding the victor whoever it is. How about a defender winning a matchup gains motivation (in which case just cancel berry feeding)? This way, a strong pokémon will be harder to boot from a gym. But still doable, especially by teams. And pidgeys will not work as defenders.
