
Best pokemon you've lost

few of mine;

-lost a 98% Kyogre on its first day, when it was very difficult to catch (they subsequently made it easier.) I didn't raid many Kyogres and ultimately never saw another one in the 90's.

-Lost a 98% Moltres when it was first out. Never seen one above 91% before or since, from a total of 50 Moltres raids. I did however catch my friend a 98% one on community day. Lucky him. I traded a pre september 2016 pokemon for a shiny (guaranteed lucky) but that came out at just 14-12-12. Moltres doesn't seem to like me.

-Lost a 98% Lugia on the first day of Lugias. I caught a 95% one about eight months later. The only one i got in the 90's.

-Lost a Mewtwo from an ex raid last October. This Mewtwo did not have great IVs but it was my first ex raid, at a time when few people had been given an ex pass. I sacrificed a weekend away for this, while the group booted me that same day. (long story.) Fortunately i have since moved away to a different town. I had to wait 7 weeks for my next mewtwo raid, when i caught a dismal 10-12-10 Mewtwo.

-A 95% Magikarp ran from me.

-A Golem ran from me in the games early days, owing to the very buggy nature of the game back then. Took me weeks to get enough candy to evolve one.

I have never allowed any shiny Pokemon to run from me but i'm sure this has happened to some people.

What pokemon have you lost that were valuable and made you rage?

Asked by harrytipper25 years 6 months ago


by Sebhes 5 years 7 months ago

My very first and only ever wild Dragonite encounter in Chile, South America.

I came back from gym and when I was about to hit home a wild dragonite spawned. However, I had a temporarily laggy old device that caused old spawns to remain a few seconds longer than they actually were to consequently bug out.

You can guess what happened. I apparantly missed a wild dragonite on a few seconds. Still sad face


I've had a couple of dragonites run from me, but i've caught some others (my previously town used to spawn wild Dragonites) and i'd long since evolved others so not too costly for me.

I hope you don't use that old device anymore!


-I also lost a 98% Moltres when legendaries were first released. Believe the CP was 1865, and I had about 11 balls to catch it. I made many Great curveballs and few Excellent curveballs, but failed completely. Didn’t play PokeGO for the next three days. I was pretty pissed, as it was the first time I lost something that valuable in the game, even though I did the best I could. Still makes me mad when I think about it to this day. Nonetheless, three days later, I found and caught a 93% Moltres, and it’s served me well.

-I once encountered a 2721 CP Snorlax in the wild (the highest CP encounter in the wild I’ve ever had). It ran away after immediately jumping out of two Ultra Balls. I was pretty letdown about this one, too.

-Believe it or not, this one was actually my fault. So, back when TMs were not in the game, I encountered a Totodile that was above 800 CP (weather boost wasn’t even a thing during this point in the game, that CP was crazy to me). I managed to catch it, and it was 100%, to my surprise. I had enough candies to evolve it to Feraligatr, so my fingers were crossed for a double Water moveset... it got Bite/Crunch. I might have been blind with rage or something, because I ended up transferring the Feraligatr. A few hours in, and I felt a huge pile of regret dumped on my head for what I did. And, to make it worse, TMs were added not too long after, so that only made it worse LOL. Never again, for sure.

-I tried to catch a 98% Mewtwo for someone else (CP was 2271) a few weeks ago. She only had 8 balls to catch it, and despite making all Excellent curveballs, the Mewtwo bested me. We were both very salty about this one. Fortunately, I was able to help catch her a 95% Mewtwo beforehand, so I guess it could’ve been a lot worse if it were a perfect Mewtwo that got away from me.


My first gengar solo was a perfect and it ran from me. I didn't realized it was perfect at the time and tried to pinap it. I also missed many throws since it was the first time I encountered a gengar and how far away he was. Only after he ran I checked the cp and realized he was perfect, the only other raid perfect I encountered was a jolteon.


My kids' first Rayquaza was 100%. They'd only had the account maybe 3 or 4 weeks, so only bronze medals, no consistent curve or nice+, only 8 balls (on the minority team). Lost that.

I can't recall anything else amazing running, but I still feel bad for them over that. They also ended up 0/8 on Latios but that's from only having 6-8 balls a raid.


I try not to think to much about loosing or fail to catch a pokemons, so i dont really remember all the detail except one time
I play after an early footstep tracker is no longer available, so the ussual in game scaner for me. Around 2-3 week after i first play, a wild dragonite spawn in the area that i am not very familiar around 3-4 km from my house and i am just passing by.
I immediately search for it, until i realise there is a dead end in small alley that i am entering, and the only area that i am not exploring yet is over that dead end alley.
Try to take another route but its gone already. My first and only wild Dragonite, never found it again as i refuse to use any 3rd app tracker.
After that i promise myself not to think too much about loosing pokemon, if i dont get it, than it is simply not for me to have


A similar thing happened to me with Lapras in the games early days.

I searched in every direction from the spot where i saw it appear but couldn't find it anywhere. I was running around like a headless chicken, i couldn't have covered any more ground. Was well gutted.

Those were dark times, seeing a pokemon on radar and having absolutely no clue where it is.


by 9comon 5 years 7 months ago

100 IV rayquaza ... my one and only big loss.


100% Latios, had 8 balls, 7 great curves with GR, 1 normal curve with GR, didn't catch. Caught a perfect Kyogre and perfect Registeel (?yay?), but have only missed out on one perfect Legendary, the Latios.

Second best has to be 96% Articuno on Raid day, but I had just caught a 98%, so that wasn't so bad.


Latios. All 3 raids. I hope the lati bros return with shinies.


by Trielz 5 years 7 months ago

- a 1930 cp Entei (100%). my first time encounter a 100% from legendary raid. and it run away with 12 balls. so sad..
after that I never met Entei with IV above 91%. only met a 1912 cp Entei (91%) and it run away too.
my highest are 89% with Atk 13 (cp 1899)
and all my Entei from 7 days stamp are with garbage IV (none above 84%)

- a 1865 cp moltres run away (IV 98%) from last month moltres day. because we raiding on a car and we must hurry to catch and move to another gym fast. and I miss several ball when catcthing it. and it run away.
Lucky after that I got a 1863 Moltres (IV 98) but with 14 Atk. but I'm so happy because its Shiny.

- a 2322 cp Kyogre (IV 98%) run away on the first Kyogre Event (mid January). I'm so mad because I never find Kyogre higher than 93% or 91% even after the shiny kyogre event comes last june. :|


My only notable loss was a 98% Kyogre during the Water event. Oh, and out of the 12 Kyogre encounters I got, 9 of them ran away.

Excluding that, I remember nothing powerful that ran, had 3 Dragonite encounters in the wild and caught each one.


98% Lugia, the very first legendary raid I had ever done back when it was released for the first time. At that time I had not read up on CP/IV combinations of it and I was not that good at throwing curve balls. Ah well...

100% weatherboosted Lugia for a friend of mine (she asked me to throw for her), during the second release of Lugia. Many excellent GRB curves later I failed to catch it.

100% Raikou for that same friend, but only had 3 balls left before she asked me. 3 excellent GRB curves weren't enough.

All the Dragonair ever. I always pinap ultra ball them and they run after 1 or 2 excellent curves...


by daltry 5 years 7 months ago

100% mewtwo last week. My best is 91


by Kazlu 5 years 7 months ago

So all these mon... you didn't lose them, since they never belonged to you :3

Anyway, about great catches missed:
- a few months into the game 2 years ago, was level 20-ish and saw a wild Charizard. I had met maybe 3-4 Charmanders in the wild so that was... WOW amazing! I threw everything I had in berries and balls at it, but I couldn't catch it... I was left with no balls and it was still here, flying around, looking at me with contempt... Quite frustrating... It didn't run, oh no, that Charizard was no coward. I had to run myself. And I was left with nothing to catch other pokémon after it :D
- my first ever Mewtwo in an EX raid in February this year. And it was weather boosted. I had 12 or 13 balls, I missed at least 4-5 because I found the attack animation of Mewtwo quite tricky, but every ball I landed was a great curved throw, with a GRB. Wasn't enough. I left the place without a Mewtwo. I was able to catch 2 in subsequent EX raids, no weather boosted. I got 3 in the current event, including a weather boosted (another one fled) and then my phone died :'( I'm still waiting for it to return from repair. So much for Mewtwo candy stock up :D
