
Advanced gym tricks

1: When you have 6 people and don’t want spoofers sniping your gym slots.

First round, attack until 5th defender.
Second motivation round, attack all 6 defenders.
Last round, all those slotting in must enter, plus another account that is not going to slot in. Attack until last defender.
After entering last defender battle, those slotting in will quit battle. The one not slotting in will stay and stop attacking.
Then all those slotting in will enter and battle again, but in a different round. The round with the account not slotting must finish battle 1-2 seconds before those slotting in.
This way, all those slotting in will have battle priority, and no one else.

2: Targeting defenders that aren’t the first. You can battle the last defender 3 times with this hack, while only battling the first 5 defenders once each. You need 3 people or devices.
This can still be countered with GRB feeding.

Enter battle normally, until you reach the defender you are targeting.
When you reach, 1 phone enters battle, 2 phones turn off their screens.
2nd phone must turn on screen and enter battle right before the first one defeats the defender. Repeat for 3rd phone.
If the defender didn’t feed, boom. The defender at the back was defeated, while the first few only dropped 1 round.

Asked by DragoniteSlayer5 years 10 months ago


Is there a need to be this hardcore? I get that it's Singapore, but I've not had a need to resort to this kind of crap so far.


Singapore sounds like a shithole as far as PoGo is concerned. 101 in 'how to suck life and fun out of a game'.


I am also from Singapore but have never used or felt any need for such tricks. Would have to be a Machamp with Dodrio head to pull them off.


Or, you know, just have several people. Nice mental image though.


Yeah I really don't understand all these people with three or four phones and checking their gyms once every five minutes or so. That's not a game, it's a chore. And the median age of these people, from what I've observed, is around forty or fifty. You'd think they'd know better.

I happened to go to work late this morning at around 10am, and the woman who hogs my office building's gym with her eight accounts was in the rain with an umbrella in one hand and juggling her four phones with the other. Honestly, how is that even enjoyable?


Some little tricks for getting to slot in first.
Play with android and skip the win screen with the back button. This'll let you slot in before most other players.

Even faster, have the same account open on two phones (which is allowed by the TOS) and slot in as soon as the gym turns white on the phone that wasn't battling, which is before you even get to the final win screen.

You can also try to pace the battles so that you get to be the only one with battle priority. If the other attackers are going through the whole gym in one pass, wait until they start the second wave and go in after them to start the last fight with each defender as soon as they finish the second. It's almost impossible for anyone to join in if you get to the last wave by yourself. If the defenders are being finished one-by-one, you just wait until you're on the last one and then enter the second battle. If you see the others there, jump out and go in again right away, which likely puts you in the last battle by yourself before anyone else can join in.

None of this works against an experienced gym fighter because they're trying to do it too.


by hkn 5 years 10 months ago

Newsflash: Pokemon Go contributes to record-breaking iPhone sales in Singapore.


Nobody really buys iphones for alt accounts for PoGo. People get xiaomi phones that can split screen and play 2 accounts at once, alongside their main phone.
