
Powering up: 1 Raikou 1 Zapdos vs 2 Raikou

Just asking, which one is more worth it? Also considering we are getting 35 free Zapdos candies this month from field research breakthroughs.

Asked by DragoniteSlayer5 years 11 months ago


by Peach 5 years 12 months ago

One of each sounda cooler.


I’ve powered up two Raikous already and now I’m debating with myself if I will do a third Raikou or my first Zapdos, since I got a 93% in research. So my answer to your question is easy, start with a second Raikou.


by YodaJi 5 years 12 months ago

One of each. raikou is strong over all but zapdos has different restistsnces and is better in some situations. I got a 42/45 zapdos in the new research so I will be powering him up. I have not invested in a second raikou



Power up only one raikou and only one zapdos. Do not do it now if you are patient and think you can get a better iv one in the feature.

Basis for recommendation:

There is no immediate need for electric pokemons. Also, jolteon is a correct non-legendary alternative.

Then, in generation 4, electrivire and magnezone will be equivent to raikou.

And in generation 5 will arrive Zekrom making raikou obsolete.

So, do not spend magic candies on raikou or zapdos, keep them for other legendaries like zekrom.

Without the use of magic candies, you probably do not have enough candies to power up your raikou or zapdos to the maximum. As such, power up only one of each if you do not have better use for your stardust.

Since you will eventually power up only one raikou and one zapdos, you better wait for the zapdos event to be over and even wait for the end of a future possible raikou event.

I know that it may require a lot of discipline not to power up your raikou now. However, like I was saying above, there is no need for it now and then there will be better alternatives.


Zekrom is in Gen 5. That's at least a year away. And the legendaries don't come all at once, so it's very likely more than that. Are you sure you want to leave a gap in your electric team for a year?


But what are we going to need an electric team for? Gen 4 has no legendaries that are weak to electric if we assume all mythicals will be released through special research.

Personally I think Raikou is one of the best non-Machamp gym attackers at the moment and everyone should have one for that purpose, but you only need the one.


At the moment Raikou is so much better it's not even funny. A level 30 Raikou is generally on par with level 40 Zapdos in relevant matchups like Ho-Oh or Kyogre. Zapdos does have a higher attack stat though, so if it ever gets a good moveset, it will outclass Raikou in DPS.

That said, there isn't much need for either one currently. I use Raikou in my gym team and that's about it. We don't really know of any likely upcoming raid bosses that would require electric attackers either. And gen4 brings Electivire which may rival Raikou despite being non-legendary. I would not invest heavily unless the situation changes.
