
Taking a break (rant)

I'm done for now. This game has finally worn me down and it's not worth the continued frustration I have playing it. My luck with Kyogre has been abysmal (both in terms of encountering good ones and catching the good ones I encounter) and chasing it for the past 2 weeks has been both exhausting and seemingly without purpose. The EX raid system remains broken and there's little chance they're going to fix it. Gyms are boring as hell to fight against to scrape together a measly 50 coins every day.

I'll probably be back for Valentine's Day if not sooner, because I'm a glutton for punishment, but these past couple weeks have just been terrible. Failing to RNG time and time again isn't fun.

Asked by TyFox6 years 3 months ago


by newton 6 years 3 months ago

Pick up monster hunter world and stop complaining.


by Sebhes 6 years 3 months ago

Just bring back the old system with maybe level 6 as max and one unique Pokemon per gym.


That would be a relatively minor fix. Every aspect of the game (aside from battling, which is just tedious) is so heavily predicated on RNG that you might as well be going to Vegas and playing a slot machine. It's fun if things are clicking; when you're in a slump of bad luck, it's crushing. Since Legendaries are kind of the only thing worth doing in the game and I really want a good Kyogre, having multiple good ones run on me through no fault of my own is just really lousy.


I agree the primary reliance on RNG is the most frustrating thing. I get that it’s a big part of the PoGo experience, but it very often feels to be the only part. I have landed consecutive great or excellent throws only to have the raid boss run. They need to drastically increase the chances, especially for excellent curve balls to give the players at least some modicum of control over our successes. I have NEVER actually caught one after an excellent. I usually don’t even get a wiggle out of those. And I have seen only one perfect legendary out of 442 raids. It ran


Has Valentine's event already been confirmed?


I suppose not, but it would really surprise me if they didn't.


My community is in hibernation as well. We only come out the first few days of a new raid boss and when everyone gets one we go back to sleep till the next one. The community event did little to bring people out because pikachu with surf wasn't a good reason. the community event with Dratini seems promising that put up some messages in our community chat. But other than that it is just to exhausting and this game is pretty much dead. The 50 coinds, RNG, only 7 out of 80 people getting ex raid pass and gyms always left empty this game is so sad right now but we still have hopes it'll make a comeback.


I feel your pain with Kyogre... out of (only) 9 raids, I was only able to catch the 2nd and 4th one - and these before the update, which supposedly made it easier. Yeah, right.

Ex-raid? They stole the only pass I ever got, at level 39. 'nuff said.

So why am I still playing?! Why?!
