
who else would like to see some minigame implemented? say fishing, you go to a body of water and use Rod. perhaps you could only use it for a limited amount times every day. any other cool ideas you thought of?

Asked by gadafi6 years 6 months ago


by pipjay 6 years 6 months ago

AR sandbox to view and take pictures of pokemon from your collection. Maybe even be able to pose multiple pokemon together.


by Dr GO 6 years 6 months ago

Nearby scanner BINGO.
Three pidgeys in a row, you swipe through them and get 500 stardust.
I would be a stardust-billionaire by now.


I'd love for there to be a "Beat the Boss!" minigame each day for coins.

Level 1: Beat a (A) - 1 Coin
Level 2: Beat a (B) - 2 Coins
Level 3: Beat a (C) - 3 Coins
Level 4: Beat a (D) - 4 Coins
Level 5: Beat a (E) - 5 Coins

Or to have a true Training option - go to a Gym, select the Pokémon you want to fight from a list, choose the Pokémon you want to fight with (yours or maybe one you don't currently have), and then fight. Maybe you can choose the moves as well, so you can get to learn what the charged move looks like, what the quick move looks like, what the moves hit like, etc.

(I'd love that last one to be tied into the ability to actually Train our Pokémon to raise their Stats, but that might be just too much for PoGo to handle.)


I like the boss idea. Kind of like raids but soloable. Would also be interesting to have soloable bosses that can be captured for each species (maybe not the rarer ones but at least for others), it would be kind of an alternative to egg hatching. I like the option to fight to capture, it reminds me of the original games.


Fishing would be great! I always hated that niantic strickly held water pokemon by the ocean. I live in Arizona and we get no Magikarps out here and all of us almost quit when they took away hatching magikarps. But if they would allow us to go to a local pond or such to fish for magikarps that would be awesome.


True, there is this pond by my house that has no karp nor is it considered a water biome but the mountainside has them? Makes no sense.
