
Pokemon Go Sit Somehwere and Bring a Book

Will this be the best way for a solo player in a low-activity area to ever get anything out of a Level 3-5 raid? To sit around for an hour and see if anyone else shows up? Or am I supposed to find (or found) some 3rd-party site like or and set up play dates with rando raid buddies?

I hope Niantic eventually finds a balance between encouraging cooperative game play and at least allowing individual success. By all means, keep group raids extraordinarily easy. But don't make solo raids impossible - especially for legendaries. Give me a 10% chance on them and I might spend some coins. Otherwise I'll just have to pass them all by.

Asked by haltsy6 years 10 months ago


by DrAzzy 6 years 10 months ago

Use the third party community/organizing sites. Around here, people on each team have organized discord/etc groups, so you just find your local team discord, and they'll be calling out where raids are and trying to rally people to compete in them.

In more rural areas, it's probably a lot worse./


I live near the center of a top 20 U.S. city but haven't been able to find a worthwhile third party site for this yet. There isn't any organization to what I've seen and most of the things shared on these sites would end up being a 40-minute round trip drive for me. Not at all what I'm looking for with this game.

I just wish there was some kind of in-game way to tell how many people are interested in doing a specific nearby raid. For example, I could tap something on the screen saying that I was interested and planning to go... and then as more people tapped the same thing, I could see if 4, 6, or 15 people were interested as well. The more people say they're interested, the more likely I am to go (and to spend coins on extra raid passes).

So there you go, Niantic. A way to encourage more cooperative game play AND a way to make more money. You're welcome.

(I'll be perfectly happy with a 1% commission on all those extra raid pass sales. Or a remote consulting gig. Whatever works for you. Love, haltsy)


by JHVS 6 years 10 months ago

I post a lot here. Most would say I do more defending of the game than others. They would be correct. And fwiw I like the new gym system fine.

I have spent a lot of money on this game. Like more than 1K. Maybe a lot more I dunno. But raidsarent working for me. I have to put a ton of money into getting a Tyranitar with the right moves, like 10K coins or so. Now with TMs I'm unlikely to get and strong raids I cannot get help on I may have to just switch to casual.

I'm not bitter or mad. It's all good and I certainly got every penny's worth of entertainment from what I spent so far. But it's hard to justify spending to fall behind. So here I am.


My advice is to take a trip to a city with tons of gyms...Maybe that's an hour away or what not, but we did like 6 or 7 raids today and raid are popping up near non-stop in gyms...


I wasted a few raid passes waiting for someone to come around for a level 3 and 4 raids.


I have a feeling that Niantic's vision is that everywhere is like a major city, where there are bands of ~20 players roving around all day hopping from gym to gym, which are really close together. They need to realize what it's like for rural or even suburban players. Players who have day jobs and must spend most of their weekends doing errands. We don't have tons of friends who play the game at all. And even if we did, how many of those would be willing to give up their Saturday to drive around and wait for the raids to start?

My personal experience today: I was thrilled to see 2 of the 3 gyms at the park where I walk every day have raids. They were level 2, and I pretty easily won both by myself. Then, when I got back home and the spouse and I went out to run our errands, we came across quite a few gyms with raid timers. BUT -- we couldn't spend up to 1.5 hours waiting on the countdown. We happened on one that was ongoing, so we stopped. It was a level 4, and we were the only two players there. We lost miserably. So... lunch and then errands. After, we came across a level 3 raid. Again, we were the only 2 there, and we barely won. So yay to that. Then more errands and, on our way home, saw another level 3 in progress. We were again the only 2 there and also managed to barely beat it. The way I see it, this is a disaster for solo players. It's not great for duos (or maybe even trios). I sincerely hope they continue to tweak this to make it more reasonable for those of us not in major cities and/or don't have tons of friends who not only play but also have nothing else demanding their time.
