
Your number of returned Pokémon from Gyms

...and your coin income lost since Tuesday?
I placed a total of 3 mons. 0 mons (0%) returned = 0 coins.

My average daily income was 25 coins, so I would have collected 110 coins now by today.

Asked by Oscarv6 years 10 months ago


Had 2 return, 34 coins, all in the first day. Since then none have returned. Under the old system I was getting 100 per day plus 5000 dust. It really is illogical to me that I'm hoping someone takes my gyms otherwise I get nothing.

But I'm also not sure what you even need the coins for anymore. I used to buy incubators hoping for the chansey/snorlax/larvitar/dratini hatches, but there really isn't a need for more Blissey/Snorlax under this system and if you already have a couple of good Ttars and Dnites there really isn't a need for that either.

Really trying to figure out what Niantic was trying to accomplish with this change, I'm sure quite a few spoofers will lose interest but then again so will a lot of legit players.


The only one who returned was a troll Ninetales, returned with 5 coins. My main 2 fighters Kingler and Typhlosion are stuck in 2 gyms for 2 days now. The crab is fat so I guess people fed him a lot, the typhlo's half-starved. Both have about same CP, below 3K though.


by Aviva 6 years 10 months ago

Put 3 in gyms and 1 was returned. The returned one was put in within minutes of the new gym system starting. This new gym system is terrible. I envision never getting my 2 Blissey's that are being held hostage in gyms back. They need to fix this.


They should have made it so that once a mon gets 0 motivation, it returns home. There's just no more reason for anyone to keep a gym past 8 hours, so why not?


That doesn't help my situation. People keep feeding my pokemon in the gym, so it hasn't gotten to 0 motivation. It keeps getting capped out. They should just return them after 8 hours no matter what.


They could also block the feeding once the 8 hours are done, but yeah, returning them after 8 hours would work too.


Supposing that we would like to keep the motivation loss and berry feeding system... and the incentive to develop Pokémon with the best defensive qualities...

It just does not work when the coin cap is already reached after just a few hours:

1) We cannot get our Pokémon out of a gym in time
2) We have no interest in conquering a new gym if we are capped already.

Possible solutions:
1) Make battles rewarding.
2) Income cap 10 coins for each Pokémon per day
3) Reward these coins automatically, but keep the Pokémon in the gym if motivated
4) Return unmotivated Pokémons to the trainer 1 hour after reaching the zero.


"We have no interest in conquering a new gym if we are capped already."

This is only good thing.
Dominant teams will lose interest.


But you do not need to be on a dominant team to be capped for the day. You might have 1 Pokémon in a gym for 10 hours and nothing else, while the rest of the town are held by other teams. Would you fight those gyms?


Ive had like 7 or 8 return. I think in total I've collected about 100 already but that's since the new gym system kicked in so it's definitely less than what I'm used to but I'm not complaining.
I like it so far. I don't like the fewer coins since before I collected 70+ a day but it's whatever. I'm having a blast putting new Pokemon in, fighting the raid bosses and feeding others stuff and getting candy.
