
Power up Dratini 66 IV?

Hi, yesterday I caught a wild lv 30 Dratini with 66.7 IV Attack 12, defense 13 stamina 5. Dratini aren't that common in my hunting area... Is it worth evolving it?
Thank you for your advices!

Asked by titan cabestin7 years 1 month ago


by YodaJi 7 years 1 month ago

Your chances of hatching a better one in an egg are pretty good, i'd hold.


They are currently extremely rare hatches because of the 2km egg event - best chance is 10km eggs after the event (presumably - who knows what will happen? ).

And the thing is, that even if the OP gets a future egg hatch thats significantly better (and it is possible to hatch as low as 66%) it would take 66 candy to power up to level 30 (as for the present dratini). Right now, evolving that Dratini will already turn into an instantly gym-placeable dragonite (CP 2945) and could be earning coins for egg incubators today. Personally, if dratini weren't that common, I would evolve this one but probably not power it up further. Then if I am lucky enough to get a great egg hatch in future, I would focus on getting enough candy to evolve and power that, rather than boosting the average IV Dragonite. 2 dragonites are better than 1!


You are askin how to gamble. You can evolve that and get a good moveset.
Or wait and hope for a hatch. and maybe get a good moveset on that.
It is up to you to decide what u need to do.
Here is my opinion
If you wont level your dragonite more then lvl 30 or high 30s evolve it and see what you can do with it.
If you want a perfect dragonite and lvl it up all the way, wait for a perfect one.


I'll get a lv 30 Dragonite when I'll have 124 candies (74 now...)
