
Do you get anything extra for being a pay to win?

Except for the item you buy, do you get anything else for going premium?

Asked by JeffWhale8115 years 1 month ago


I don't get what you mean by "going premium." Some of the items you can buy in the store you can get without buying. If you do all the Special Research Quests you receive some of these items. Buying items though, preferably when good boxes come around (adventure box is my favorite), enhances the game so much. Being able to hatch a bunch of eggs with the super incubators makes your walking feel worth while in my opinion. Keep in mind though, you're able to receive coins from defending gyms, you're allowed a max of 50 coins a day, so defend away.
To answer your question, when you buy items, that's the only benefit you get, UNTIL you use the items. Hope this helps a little bit.


> I don't get what you mean by "going premium."

Some apps will remove advertisements and give other benefits when you pay. Or there are special premium items that can only be purchased with real money.

No. There are no premium benefits in Pokemon Go. You can earn daily coins defending gyms, and everything that you can purchase in the game can be purchased with the daily coins. Main benefit is simply time: 20usd buys the same amount of coins as defending for about one and a half months.


by hkn 5 years 2 months ago

When you contact Niantic support, whether you get a response depends on whether you have spent real money on coins. /s


What is "going premium"?
You can buy coins with money and you can spend coins to buy items or upgrades from the store or unlock avatar clothing, that's it. There isn't any hidden benefit to having spent money on the game, or if there is, I haven't noticed it.


Paying gets you access to items that help you grind faster, that's all. Egg hatches, star pieces, lures, incense when used properly, raid passes, etc, make you grind the in-game resources faster, and give you more chances at high-IV or rare Pokémon. I mean now shiny babies, more pseudo-legendaries, candy for all that, fully evolved Pokémon like Tyranitar/Machamp that would otherwise be very hard to get through free ways like the infinite incubator, buddy-ing or wild encounters.

Other than that, there's no "pay to win", because there's very little to actually "win" in this game. It all depends on your end-game.
