
This thing any good in 2,500 league? I have enough Suicine candy to get my 100% up close to 2,500 (L 29 I think). Or I could go budget on stardust and take a 93% lucky to the same point in CP (probably L 29.5) also without any need for rare candy investment.

But is it any good? Or should I just stop at 1,500?

Asked by daltry5 years 4 months ago


Part of this is having fun, so if you want to have it powered up
and have the candy and dust, have at it. And certainly only worth thinking about because you have Suicune candy and do not need to use rare candy.

But there are other water types you can power at that level that hit harder and offer charge moves outside water type.

If you are purely looking for water type for Ultra league, keep looking.


It doesn't seem great in either league, I'd say leave it at 1500 and try it out. If it's fun to use, then so be it, and no need to worry about min-maxing until tryhards figure out the meta anyway.


Also remember that a 100% pokemon doesn't have any advantage over a lower IV pokemon in a fixed CP league. If a pretty poor Suicune powers up to 1499 CP, and a good one powers up to 1474, the poor one will probably battle a little better in that league, because the good one is leaving some CP on the table (points of attack, defense or stamina). Sure, we can't add to IVs (yet???), but we can pick which ones to power up.


Yes, but all things equal I would rather power a 100% than a 93%. You never know if some day it will make sense to power it up a lot more.
