
Level 40 Pokemon perks

Level 40 Pokemon should get access to any legacy, current, or future moves as they roll out.

Level 40 Defenders should automatically use any move in their arsenal that is SE against the current gym attacker.

That is all.

Asked by solid_snake5 years 9 months ago


Most every Pokemon carries a "counter" move and 1-2 STAB moves, I think it's good that the choice is encouraged.

That being said, I do somewhat agree about the future moves. Zapdos got a really crap deal, super unfair to people that had already powered it one.


And also to those who missed the 3-hour window and don’t even have the choice in powering up a new one to replace the old one previously invested in.


that would be me, i powered up a really good Zap, now i got a better Zap and i have a date with MewTew this Friday -_-


I could easily see Niantic doing something like this, but not in a completely open ended manner. They want to control the numbers, like they did with Smack Down Ttar - they don't want to have everyone have several perfect ones, and limiting the access to certain quality moves makes the ones who have those moves more manageable.

On the other hand, giving one more choice with moves would also be a good thing. Being able to use Dynamic Punch most of the time, but switch to Heavy Slam when fighting a flyer or psychic would make the actual gameplay of a battle interesting. Niantic would have to change the interface radically, though. That would make PvP actually involve a modicum of skill, instead of being a complicated math problem conjoined with the ability to tap the screen.

And of course, limiting this to level 40 pokemon becomes somewhat perilous once the level cap goes up. John Hanke has said that raising the level cap absolutely will happen (but he hasn't said when it will happen, ...).


I hear your point, but if they wanted to control numbers, they would have put a restriction on the number of Pokemon you can keep per species. There are plenty of trainers walking around with 20-30 Kyogres and no one cares. The stardust and candy requirements ARE the restrictions


So this I say "No"

yes it would be a good incentive to power thigns up to 40, even when break/bulk points are bellow that and the candy/dust requirements arent always worth it, but the whole point of making those moves legacy or CD exclusive was BECAUSE they were too good, it would actually break the game and people would probably leave and cost niantic money


That isn't strictly the case with legacy/exclusive moves. Some moves went legacy because those Mons were never able to learn them in the main series. Other moves that went legacy were replaced by new moves that were even better (see: Dragonite). And some CD exclusive moves were more for novelty than anything else (see: Pikachu and Ampharos).


Some of them were abel to learn those moves, but in a previous gen, like dragon breath gyarados, only learnable by TM in gen 2

agree, the novelty for some would be nice, but I do feel that making it a standard move would remove that novelty


I have 3 Venusaurs with Petal Blizzard or Solar Beam that took me over a year to attain. I have 4 (!!!) Venusaurs with Frenzy Plant that took me 2.5 hours to attain.

It would take me far, far longer to get FP on my old Venusaurs by taking them to 40 than the 2.5 hours I spent on CD. How is that broken?


For things like tyranitar, the ability to change t back and forth from double dark to double rock, or dragonite to get dragon claw for defense, yes it would take TM investment, but it also ruins thw whole point of the CD's/trading for legacy mon, to give players a limited number of pokemon with an exclusive, and in most instances, powerful move, but only in a limited amount. if everyone had access to as many high profile CD/lecacy moves as they wanted, thered be no reason to get anything else and would also completely remove the point of a community day or future breakthroughs with legacy moves as it would be possible to get a theoretically infinite number of them
