
Draconeious GO

Or whatever it was called. I recall lots of people playing that for likely a short time. Haven't heard a peep. Did it crash and burn?
I only ask because of how some people thought it was more creative than PGO, despite it taking preemptive known measures like weather stuff.

Asked by zap5 years 11 months ago


Draconius Go. Haven't heard it being talked about it in a while, but it's still a thing apparently, having received an update a couple of weeks ago. Probably nowhere near as popular as Pokemon Go though.


Yeah, that game was a good thing for PoGo. It came out on a period that PoGo was boring as hell and dragged many of us, who enjoyed it for a period. Niantic reacted correctly to the thread creating the current flood of weekly eventsto ensure that there were no long periods with no new content or events to enjoy. Smart move that has worked so far.


Research and weather are great. Extending raid hours is also a good move. If they bring back the scanners, I would be happy to pay a few dollars a month, like I used to during the Blissey-tower era.


by YodaJi 5 years 11 months ago

I said all along that Draconeious missed the point. They thought by making a better version of POGO they could score. Most POGO players play for the pokemon characters, not because it's a good game. Without the pokemon characters POGO would never have taken off. Players have told me that even Niantic's own Ingress is a much better game than POGO, but no one plays it because there is no emotional attachment as there is for Pikachu.


Disagree about Ingress. I'm playing it occasionally, mainly to get to level 10 so I can submit portal locations that will eventually become pokestops and gyms. But it's not that fun, and it's totally team vs. team. You can build your 'agent' up, but everything you do is supposed to be about getting more XM fields for your team (blue-resistance, or green-enlightenment). No collecting, no challenges (well, there are mini-quests made by other players, but they are pretty simple, but that's it). And in my area, the other team dominates, so I can't really build anything, all I can do is set up control zones in the small spaces between their huge ones. Makes me feel like a mouse raiding the pantry.

In short, I vastly prefer PoGO to Ingress. At first it was about the characters, but I don't know much after Gen2, so that's not it. It's about the cameraderie, about working with other players from all teams to take down a Lugia or Latias or Ho-Oh, and about cooperating on gyms so everyone gets paid for minimal effort (at least that's how we try and do it here). It's not all about competition and beating the other guy out. Like golf, you can play against an opponent, or you can play to better your game and get the lowest score you can. Or running - I run 5K races, and I'm really slow. I'm competing against a field of one, myself, and my past times, and that's it. Ingress can have that on the same team, but teams almost totally work against each other, and that makes it less fun for me.


I never liked pikachu. I will never mostlikely


by pipjay 5 years 11 months ago

I haven't played DraGo in several months. Last I saw, Elyland was doing a better job than Niantic at destroying their game. Everything that was fun about DraGo, they were slowly nerfing and dragging down.

- Lures spawned crazy numbers of creatures; pull that way back.
- Additional method of hatching a lot of eggs based on time instead of distance using "Mother of Dragons" and pay artifacts that allowed players to incubate two or three at a time. Limit to only 3 eggs total each time MoD spawns, the first major nerf to objects people had paid real money for.
- Quests: Can do one quest per day for a chance at some really good prizes. Only one a day. Had to go to special locations to receive. Can not swap out too hard quests until next day. Wild range between really good to outright terrible prizes, determined at random when you finish so you don't know what you are working towards. (I think Niantic saw everything that was bad about Elyland's quest system when they made their own Research system.)
- Only two teams and not enough players to contest arenas (coppied from PoGo's old tower system,pretty much). Create bots that daily will knock arenas down a few levels and when they knock it to 0 will fill up all available slots with larger creatures than they knocked out. This nerfed several other paid artifacts.
- Could find wild and hatch final evolutions of strong creatures. Weekly golden egg hunt provided a chance to randomly get really really good creatures, and if you worked with other players could split the costs. Flood the pool of possible creatures with ever weaker and worthless creatures. Weekly golden egg hunt became a worthless joke.
