
Why can i not encounter shinnies?

Ive been playing since day one and i also walk bout 10km a day at work and catch bout anywhere between 30 to 50 pokemon while im working and still never encounter shinny pokemon i have one that was Charmander and evolved him into Charmeleon. Still havent had one since then that was months ago please tell me what the reason is for this and if im just doing something wrong thank you.

Asked by the poke dude5 years 2 months ago


by Fan Wu 5 years 2 months ago

What you are doing wrong is actually a mistake committed by many as well. You are expecting shinies. That is it.


First and foremost, encountering a shiny is based entirely on luck. The average encounter rate for a shiny in the wild (excluding events with boosted shiny rates) is roughly 1/400, so the odds are pretty low. That said, here's my advice to optimize your chances of encountering shinies.

1. Try to play during events, especially community days. Community day events have significantly boosted rates for shinies. If you're able to play for the entirety of the event, odds are you'll walk away with at least a few shinies.

2. Don't rely on a Plus/Gotcha to grab shinies. While they certainly can pick them up, they don't exactly have the best catch rates. There's always the chance that you could have shinies running from you without you ever knowing it if you're mostly using a Plus/Gotcha.

3. Visit local nests (parks) if the Mons nesting at them are ones with shiny variants. The bigger the nest, the better.

4. Prioritize clicking on Mons that can be shiny. Not every Mon has its shiny variant in the game. You could catch 500 Mons a day for a year and never see a shiny if the things you're catching can't be shiny.

5. If you haven't done so already, try to vary the locations you play at and prioritize areas that have higher spawn densities. The more encounters available, the better your odds.

6. Prioritize and hang on to research tasks that reward encounters for Mons that can potentially be shiny (current examples include Growlithe, Aerodactyl, Sunkern, Magikarp, Eevee, Cubone, Houndour, etc).

7. Keep at it and don't give up!


Look at your catch box

I've caught 105,000, and have 183 shinies (was at 190 or so before I transferred some to the switch)

If you have significantly lower total catches, you should expect a significantly lower amount of shinies.


It’s completely random... last community day I played with 3 people... I caught 6, one of the other players caught 12 the other one caught 1... we all had basically the same number of encounters with basically the same Pokémon with completely different results...
