
Which Machop to evolve?

So i’m level 27 so don’t bully me for my lack of machamps because I don’t have any. Thus i’m excited to get one during this fighting event, but don’t know which one to evolve. Have 149 candies. Should I choose between IV or CP? Or should I wait till the event ends? I really want a good fighting type to battle in gyms for the rewards right now :)

Asked by liviachy5 years 1 month ago


Whichever has 15 Attack and high CP


Or wait till the event is over you might get a something better... I’m assuming whatever you are using now for current tier 5 is working for you...


Well what to do depends on your gym meta?

If your area's full of normal tanks like Blissey snorlax, chansey, slaking, or other pokemon like aggron/tyranitar, then i'd say evolve the highest level one with 15/14 atk, hpwever I your gym meta's a lot more diverse, maybe one blissey and another tank, but the rest arent weak to fighting, i'd hold off till later if you have good generalists. If you're connected with friends in the area, i'd recommend mirror trading (so machop for machop) to try getting more candy and one with better iv's or a lucky with the poor IV machop you have .


by zap 5 years 1 month ago

Go for the 98% now! You'll get plenty of more candy for another later. You should have at least one good one for now.


Consider the fact that the Machop is level 17 and OP will have 26 candy left over after evolving it. A level 22.5 Machamp is not useful no matter how good its IVs are if it's needed immediately.


There IS a fighting event going on right now, plenty of Machop to catch. He can easily get it to lv 27, and 28 when he soon gets to it. Machamp is a staple.


If you want it *right now* the answer is clear, evolve the 1419 Machoke. 149 candy isn't enough for powering up anything else high enough to be useful.

However, if you want to invest your candy in a more lasting way, I recommend picking the 98% Machop. You need 201 candy in total to evolve and get it to level 30. 7 catches with pinap and transferring/trading two of the Machops you're holding now gets you there. And you will never in the future regret investing resources into a 98% Machamp.

Conclusion: catch a few more and make the 98% for a lasting investment


by TTT 5 years 1 month ago

First: I recommend you Pinap catch as many machop as you can during this event. I'd imagine you should be able to get a few hundred candy out of this.

Your choice depends on how urgently you need a machamp and how many candies you'll get. I'd strongly recommend prioritizing the 98% followed by the 96%. You won't regret it long term. The 87% higher leveled Machoke isn't a bad choice, and if you're hoping to use it immediately for dialga and Tyranitar raids then definitely go for that one and get the high IV ones later.

You'll also be able to get candies by doing machamp raids. So even after the event is over you'll have an ongoing source of candy.


Or wait for decent weather boosted 30+ lvl machop IV. You can meet 32 lvl machops. If you find something with IV 80%+ and lvl 30+, go ahead.


Congrats on your first Machamp! I hope you enjoy the best Fighting type in the game :)

As for your question, I would definitely shoot for best IVs. Going for CP might make sense in the immediate moment, but would definitely bog you down in the long haul.

Hope this helps!


If your short on coverage with fighting types m for the upcoming events/raids I say evolve the best IV one out of the 800ish CP. Then just catch machop like crazy though the event for candies and evolve/power up as many as you can. I have 29 machamps and quite a few are maxed out and I don’t think I’ll ever regret the investment
