
Turn off the timer?

Ok, I realize this won’t have support. But personally I would like the option to turn off a raid timer. Maybe it means I cannot get rare candy or something as a punishment. But in my situation I simply don’t do Legendary raids. Just 1 of each boss some months, or many times none.

I’d like to take on one of the many legendary raids that I drive past and cannot do because there is nobody around. I’m simply not going to post on Facebook for a 5% chance people show.

I throw away revives and potions by the dozen. Why not let me use them? I don’t care if I have to revive 25 Pokémon after defeating Latias, at least I would have 1 Latias.

Asked by daltry5 years 2 months ago


I second this. I have always recommended this. We were getting to a point that we can Duo legendaries, but then they increased the HP. Finding a group is not always feasible in non-urban areas.

I wish Niantic would give this an option. But then, I don’t think anyone would do 1-4 tier raids.


“But then, I don’t think anyone would do 1-4 tier raids.“

Not if switching off the timer means rare candy chages into a potion or something useless.

I just want to be able to have a chance at a legendary raid without have to kill a Saturday afternoon trying to find people.

I would still do plenty of tier 3 raids.


I third this but niantic wants it to be a community game.

For the first Palkia raid there were actually 8 people at the gym nearby. I have never seen more than one other show up at the gyms near me. In the beginning of the new gym system I used to go at the start of a raid and sit for an hour and not a single person would show

We even have a lot of discord’s and slack and facebook groups here. Just nobody wants to raid in this area


Mmmm or maybe they could do something like you do some sort of mindless or trivial task and once you do it ohhh lets say 7 times they give you a legendary encounter...NOPE let’s ruin the game for everyone else because you don’t want to be social while playing a social game


I see... that would ruin the game for you if I was able to take on a legendary for little reward and spend a lot of resources doing it. You must be fun.


Pay no attention to this asinine prick. Lemmydicks is just here to spit vitriol.


Does your community have a discord channel?


I’m not really interested in spending my weekend hours driving around to chase after raids that may fall apart. It’s too annoying and life is too short to drive around to play a game. I’d rather play a game when it works into my schedule.

I recognize some people like it just the way it is. It doesn’t really work for me though and I was just trying to discuss a different way.


If they did this, which they probably never will, they'd have to really take away any incentive to do it alone. I feel like they would lower the level of the T5 boss and take away all rewards. They don't want to just hand out legendaries. It's a social game, a majority of the players are able to find people to do T5 raids, they wouldn't change the game for a somewhat small group of people.
Try to join a discord and if there isn't one in your area, create one. Post on Facebook and tell everyone to join it. I was struggling to find people to do raids with at one point and I joined my local discord and now I have a bunch of people to do raids with. I don't think the solution to your issue is to remove the clock, but I think if Niantic implemented better social features, raid turn outs would be significantly better. Maybe allowing players to chat with their teammates who are within a certain radius away from them? Besides the point though, even though Niantic hasn't provided useful social features, there are many other apps/websites that make up for this, and make finding people to raid with quite easy.

Edit: After reading what Lemywinks said, although he is a serious troll, he makes a lot of sense. This game was made to bring people together, they added features to make you play with other people. So he does have a point, sadly he doesn't convey his thoughts politely. I understand why you think what you think, but there are ways to find people, you just have to put yourself out there.


I’m not really interested in spending my weekend hours driving around to chase after raids that may fall apart. It’s too annoying and life is too short to drive around to play a game. I’d rather play a game when it works into my schedule.

I recognize some people like it just the way it is. It doesn’t really work for me though and I was just trying to discuss a different way.

I think you are not considering just how few people would really want to spend 25 revives and 25 max potions for a 2/3 chance of catching a legendary mon with no rare candy.


I have a better idea: practice raids.
For every raid boss you have beaten, you have the option of practice raiding against it any time. You will not get any rewards or catch the pokemon, obviously. You can let up to three others join in the practice raid too in case you want to do a tier 5. You can set the boss's moveset as well as the weather conditions.

Let's be real, if we get bored, the gym leader pvp battles are not a good way of entertaining ourselves. It would be nice to refight a boss that is no longer in raids, especially the tier 3 bosses. It's also a good way of testing counters for the next time you fight a boss.


That is not a better idea for what I am talking about. I have attempted 0 regis, 0 latias, 0 palkia, and 0 of some others. I would like to take one on without a timer just to be able to try and catch one. The people who drive around in groups of 15 mindlessly tapping for 40 seconds aren’t facing any challenge.


Yeah, but neither would you. You'd face no challenge with no timer. You could defeat a T5 with hundreds of Caterpies! The whole challenge is to beat the clock, and if the people driving around in groups bet the clock, they beat the challenge. There is no challenge once you take away the clock. T5's are meant to be hard because they're so good once you catch them. If you want to catch one so bad, then maybe you should reach out to your community, do one, then never do it again, since actually playing the game is such a hassle to you. It's not Niantic's fault you didn't attempt any of those T5's, its your fault.
And, Mathelete, your suggestion is something I have never heard before, but I love the idea. It allows you to test how you could do against raid bosses and see if you can solo, duo, trio certain bosses. Pokegenie allows you to simulate battles already, but actually battling sounds so much cooler.


“T5's are meant to be hard”

But tapping mindlessly for 40 seconds is not hard.


I drive to work with 15 maxed dragons plus a freebie account with three level 38 Rayquaza, 3 lvl 38 Dragonite, and a level 37 Latios. I look for anybody to raid a Latias/Palkia...maybe once a week I find somebody. However, the drive home from work 4:55 to 5:15 there is a retired guy that has a strong 40 and an ok 37, since we have enough already, we usually find another raider or two at our area's main EX park...has 5 gyms.

Have a predictable routine, but also have a bunch of maxed pokemon.

***Granted I also live in a population top 10 US city, so yeah, not a cake walk for me...seems it should be though.


Taking the timer off raids would make gathering great counters useless. A part of the fun is to grind and assemble a great team that is amazing in raids. No one would care to try to Duo, Trio, 4-man and 5-man certain T5's. For a lot of serious trainers, the whole point of the game to them is to BEAT THE CLOCK and beat the boss with as little resources/people as possible. If we got rid of the clock, you'd be mindlessly tapping for about 4 minutes, all by yourself, with no challenge at all. Sounds really lonely and boring to me. I love meeting with new people and defeating the boss in 40 seconds because we all laugh about it. I feel really sorry for you that you can't find any fun in getting together with people who share common interests with you. And what I meant when I said that they're meant to be hard, they make it necessary to team up.


I certainly disagree about the idea of removing incentive to collect and use great counters. I’d much rather finish in 7 minutes and use 25 revives and 25 max potions than finish in 12 minutes using up 35 revives and 35 max potions.


I read this five times and still didn't really understood what "turning off a raid timer" means... do you mean when there's a raid going on and you can disable it for yourself or when you're in a lobby?...


Oh OK, I got it, you mean the raid timer IN a raid... sorry I'm very tired haha. well, personally it could be an option but if Niantic would ever do such thing it might be only in a private group or maybe only can be done with a premium raid pass (if you're in a private group) or something like that...


by hkn 5 years 2 months ago

This is why many players have multiple accounts.


Turning off the raid timer is not a feasible or realistic solution to your problem. I believe that the 7 day breakthrough should allow you to catch the previous month's legendary, that way everyone has a chance at it, but only after it's stint as a tier 5 boss is over. These mons are caught at a lower level & need more resources to power up but that is the penalty for not raiding them. Nobody would complain about not having the Legendaries then & the extra candies would come in handy for those powering up their best raid catches. The breakthrough boxes are pretty random now & need something doing with them anyway. It's a win win for everyone.
